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January 2020: A Fresh Start




Editors' Note

Caitlyn K.


Welcome to the 44th edition of the Great Fact! My name is Caitlyn and I am a recovering sex and love addict in Chicago and the editor for this month’s newsletter. With the turn of the New Year, I can’t help but find myself deep in reflection. I’ve never really been one for resolutions. Instead, I like to look back at where I was, where I am now, and where I want to go. Unique to this year, I found myself looking back at the last ten years and how much has changed. When I think back at where I was exactly ten years ago, one of the first things that comes to mind is my addiction.


My addiction during that time looked much different than it did when I came into the program, but the pain and insanity were already present. I was in a committed relationship. My first committed relationship that would last 11 months and would turn out to be the longest relationship I’ve ever been in. And when this relationship turned intimate, I started to retreat and run. I ended the relationship because I “didn’t love him.” At least that’s what I told myself, I have no idea what I told him. The truth was that I didn’t know what love was and cringed at the thought of someone loving me and me being enough. And at the same time, it was the very thing I wanted. I was craving the intensity and adventure I saw my friends have in their casual relationships. What a painful experience to feel at a young age. I spent the next 8 years jumping from guy to guy, trying harder to feel completely loved and accepted. That’s the paradox and deception of this addiction for me- I could never get enough. And at the same time, what I had was more than I could handle. Complete unmanageability. 


This decade also includes my recovery. I finally found my way into the rooms of SLAA after seeing I could not stop myself.. I was hopeless and depressed and feeling like I was out of options. I immediately felt I belonged and found people who understood my struggles. And more importantly, people who found a solution and way of living that worked. I began to come back to myself after years of shape-shifting to whoever I thought I was supposed to be in that relationship. I experienced freedom and comfortability with myself for the first time. I began to show up in my relationships as an equal person and try to be of service to others. This all came from the hard work of surrender, honesty, and beginning to work the 12 steps. Just for today, I am so grateful for the program, all of you who share your experience strength and hope with me, and for a chance to live a new life.


I wish you all a Happy New Year!


Editor's Note


A Letter from Higher Power



In August, I sat on the grass feeling lonely and desperately sad, when suddenly I felt a spark of inspiration. 

I got out my notebook and a pen and wrote, “Higher power, please transmit a message of love from the universe through me via these words”. 

My pen started flowing on the paper as if it was possessed by a power greater than myself. I scribbled the words as if they were being spoken to me and I was just transcribing them. 

Here’s what higher power said to me: 


“Dear Summer, you are so loved. When you feel that lonely, crushing sadness, it’s just to teach you to sit with your suffering. It’s not because you are alone. You are never alone. Not truly. I am here. The universe is here, a living, vibrating energy that circles you with hope and love, always. 

When you question that, look inward, silence yourself, put aside your ego and call to me. I will always be there. I am always there. Watching, supporting, love you. 

This life is not meant to be lived without pain, without sadness. This life is sweet because of the bitter, not in spite of it.  

There is so, so much joy to be had in this long life of yours, but there is also sadness. In the moments of joy, and in those feelings of despair, it is often difficult to remember that that is what they are. Moments. 

And moments don’t last forever. They are temporary. 

Everything is. That’s what makes life so livable. It’s all temporary. It all fades away. The sadness and suffering, the bad days and sleepless nights, and the joy and happiness, the good days and restful nights.  

You cannot grasp or cling to these moments, or live in the memories. You have to move through it all. You have to sit with it all. Feel it all. Be with it all. Breath through it all and sometimes you’re allowed to dream and to make mistakes, too. You’re allowed to say screw it every once in awhile, but you’re not allowed to give up. You’re never allowed to give up. 

That’s the bargain you’ve made with me, dear one. 

I will give you unconditional love and you will agree to be with it all. The good and the bad. The scary and the blissful. 

You are love.” 

A Letter from Higher Power


Anorexia Discovered



Hopefully, the below article will help someone connect their acting “out” or “in” with what is going on and why. I am attempting to deal with my anorexia and finally realizing that the dynamic underlying all my choices regarding my treatment of all the women to whom I have been attracted, has been my decision to not allow any personal, intimate nourishment into my life from any of them. This was because if they attracted me, I didn’t trust them. And in those efforts to protect myself, I have starved myself. 


Four and a half years ago, I had been attending AA meetings almost daily for the preceding five years, with never a relapse and I considered myself “sober”. I then became deeply involved with a professional dominatrix, specializing in BDSM. It lasted for approximately 2 1⁄2 years. Initially it was “great” and as I acted out with her, I felt that I had finally found a satisfying relationship. She became my higher power. I endured a lot of physical pain in her dungeon, but I realize only now that the intensity of the pain I was willing to suffer in BDSM was an indication of how much I wanted to feel “something”. I just didn’t know what it was. 


I did trust that my mistress - if only because of the symbiotic nature of our relationship – I knew that she had a substantial investment in not injuring me and in being discrete; this, so as not to kill the “Golden Goose.”Because I realized that I could never have a healthy relationship with a woman if I was involved with a professional mistress, I stopped for six months to find a “normal” relationship. But eventually I returned to her because ours had been the closest relationship I had ever had with a woman to whom I was attracted and I was convinced that it was the closest thing to intimacy I ever would experience. It lasted for an additional (and final) six months. 


And I cannot think of a better example of (SLAA Characteristic #9) “...attaching myself to someone who was emotionally unavailable” than purchasing the services a professional dominatrix/mistress for whom the “love relationship” was simply a financial transaction. 


Until I was approximately 10 years old, I experienced as safe, trustworthy and stable a relationship with my parents as I could imagine. Then, one night after “lights out” I was in my bed secretly reading a book under the covers with a flashlight. Out of the blue, my mother burst into my room, ripped off the blanket and started beat me with a leather belt, screaming hysterically that I had “defied” her. 


I never mentioned this (single) beating to my father because I felt I had deserved to be punished for having broken a rule. In fact, I never mentioned it to anyone until 20 years later when it came up in therapy. At my therapist’s suggestion, I confronted my mother with what had occurred. It turns out that it had little, if anything, to do with me. At that time she had been acting out because of her own problems. 


But after that experience I never again fully trusted on an intimate level her or any other woman to whom I was attracted. Although, I am Intellectually clear that my mother’s actions that night were completely irrational, until I spent the last few years working on myself in SLAA, whenever I met a woman who attracted me, in the back of my mind, I “knew” that she would “out of nowhere”, turn into a monster. And it didn’t matter that in reality, she might be a kind and loving person. That “self-fulfilling prophecy” has, over my life-time, played out with every woman to whom I was attracted. 


Now, having attended SLAA meetings for the last 3 years, I have heard the stories of some of the participants who were sexually molested and how traumatic that breach of trust by someone in authority was to them. For a time I downplayed my own trauma because I had never suffered what I considered that more serious trauma. But I have learned that what I, a trusting 10 year old boy, had experienced was just as traumatic TO ME as what they had experienced. And I can no longer minimize the impact of that breach of trust I experienced because of how clearly it has played out in my life in the way I have perceived women. 


One of the other characteristics of SLAA I only recently identified with was ( #12): We assign magical qualities to others. We idealize and pursue them, then blame them for not fulfilling our fantasies and expectations.” Initially, I didn’t resonate with the above because I had decided in AA to stop “playing victim” and I tried to no longer blame other people for my mistakes. Although I did, indeed, treat my dom/mistress as “magical” - she and the sexual stimulation she offered seemed awesome because the feelings were so intense - I never blamed her for not “fulfilling my ... expectations”. I only lately realized that this was because the only “expectations” that I had of any woman to whom I was attracted, was that she would eventually betray me, like I had perceived that my mother had. 


In AA I had done what I considered (at the time) a thorough “4th step. And sex had never surfaced. It was only after I had terminated my relationship with my dom/mistress (because it had become impossible to ignore that I was little more than a “cash cow”), that it occurred to me that I would benefit from doing a 4th Step regarding my sexual activity. And it could be done in only a safe place where it would be appropriate to discuss it – in SLAA, not AA. 


After about 5 years in AA I learned of a support group for personal relationships and intimacy called “Sex & Love Addicts Anonymous”

(SLAA). It sounded so salacious to me that I doubted its validity until I actually attended an SLAA meeting. After about 2 years in SLAA, I stopped “acting out”. But I eventually realized that I had simply morphed into “acting in” (binging and purging, working compulsively, isolating, masturbating, etc.). And it was only after working with a knowledgeable and solid sponsor who understood social and sexual anorexia that it became clear to me that (Characteristic #11) “to avoid feeling vulnerable, I had retreated from all intimate involvement, mistaking sexual and emotional anorexia for recovery.” Now I am attempting to deal with what intimacy is, how I long for it and how to let it in. And I am consciously attempting to allow in the nurture and support available to me from all the people who love me and value me, not just the few I trusted because they are of my blood.

Anorexia Discovered
Thank You from Intergroup




Thank You from Intergroup


The Chicago-Milwaukee Intergroup would like to express gratitude to the following groups for their contributions, as reported at the December meeting:


  • Sunday Nt. Evanston Group: $100.00

  • Ravenswood Fellowship Group: $8.00

  • Tuesday Solution in the Suburbs: $4.00

  • Keep Coming Back Group: $7.50

  • St. Hedwig Group: $30.00


These contributions help with Intergroup operations so we can continue to carry the message. Thank you!


Opportunities for Newsletter Submission
Upcoming Intergroup Elections
West Chicago IG
The Journal

Upcoming Intergroup Elections

In March, the Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup will hold elections for Intergroup officer positions. If you would like to participate, we encourage you to join us on March 21, 2020 at 8 a.m. at  St. Hedwig’s Pastoral Center – 2114 W. Webster Ave, Chicago, IL



Opportunities for Newsletter Submission


As members of SLAA, you have the opportunity to contribute to our local Intergroup newsletters, as well as the fellowship-wide newsletter. Read on for more information.



Contribute to GREAT FACT


GREAT FACT—what you are reading at this very minute—is the newsletter for the Greater Chicago–Milwaukee Intergroup.


We're prepping for publication for the next few months and looking for the following submissions:

  • Essays

  • Fiction

  • Poetry

  • Artwork

  • Photography


Upcoming deadlines:

  • February (Feb 1): "Healthy Relationships"

  • March (Mar 1)

  • April (Mar 29)

To submit, please send an email to with the subject line "Newsletter Submission."  Please feel free to send us something outside of the themes above, and we’ll slot it in when appropriate. Thanks!


Contribute to West Chicago Intergroup Newsletter


Our friends in the West Chicago Intergroup invite members to contribute to their newsletter to share their experience, strength, and hope. According to Mark K., "Writing an article for our newsletter is one way you can serve yourself and others." For more information, email or visit the West Chicago Intergroup website.



Contribute to the Fellowship-Wide Newsletter: Journal


​The Journal is SLAA’s fellowship-wide newsletter, which goes out to fellows around the world.  


The Journal seeks submissions for the “Question of the Day” for upcoming issues (deadline):


  • March/April: "Extreme Self-Care" Has the Program helped you learn to love and take care of yourself? Please share stories of how you learned to and /or how you engage in self-care for your recovery. (Jan. 15)

  • May/June: "Living Alone to Moving in"Have you gone from living alone to moving in with a part- ner? Please share about the challenges you faced and how you dealt with them and/or any special stories about mov- ing in. (Mar. 15)

  • July/August: "ABM Issue* Dealing With Fear" How do you deal with fear in recovery? Have you had a particularly fearful situation that Program tools helped you overcome? Please share your experience, strength, and hope and any coping skills. (May 15)


Submit responses or other contributions to

To subscribe to the Journal or read the current issue, please click here.   



Upcoming Events
SLAA Online text-only chat
Intergroup Meeting Minutes: October


SLAA Online Text-Only Chat


Those who need an additional resource in their SLAA recovery are invited to SLAA Online text-only chat recovery fellowship. Find more information by visiting the SLAA website,, or by emailing




Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup
Meeting Minutes

Saturday, October 19, 2019



Chair: Vince, RFG

Co-Chair: Hannah, RFG

Outreach/Rep: Kelly, Solution in the Suburbs

Inreach: William, Sunday Evanston, Verne, Rise & Shine

Treasurer: Anthony, RFG

Website/Facilitation: Christie, RFG

Website/Facilitation: Cathy, Solution in the Suburbs

Newsletter Co-Editor: Francis, Rise & Shine

Newsletter Co-Editor: Dayna, RFG

Fall Gathering: Chris, RFG

ABM Rep: Scott, Milwaukee


  • Tami, Solution in the Suburbs

  • Travis, RFG

  • Dave, Beverly


July Minutes were not voted on

September Minutes - Y 12, N 0, A 1


Dave lead on Tradition 9

Next month- Verne Tradition 10


  • Re-send out website documents

  • Review all Doc Role Positions


  • Send out survey for Newsletter

  • Upload Fall Gathering on website

  • Need photos of meeting locations


Scott announced he's stepping down from ABM 


Fiduciary Approval - Y 13, N 0, A 1

  • Change prudent reserves



  • Mention survey

  • Show newsletter link on website

  • Ask for submission


Fall Gathering

  • Service needed

  • 30 Registered

  • Try to pre-register


Ideas for Game night/Valentine's Day



  • Local Therapists

  • Sponsorship Workshop

  • Back to Basics Workshop


New Business

  • Review Bylaws

  • Who gets a vote


All SLAA members are welcome to attend Intergroup meetings, which typically take place the third Saturday of each month, at 8 am at St. Hedwig's Church, 2246 N Hoyne Ave, Chicago.





Upcoming Events

Join us on Valentine’s Day Weekend to play games and share food in community

with your SLAA fellows! Please see the details below or at


When: Saturday, February 15th, 2020 6:00-9:00PM CST

Where: Ravenswood Fellowship United Methodist Church

4511 North Hermitage Avenue Chicago, IL, 60640

Please bring a dish to share for a potluck dinner and your favorite games!


Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup
Treasury Report



Starting Balance December 13, 2019                                                                                                      $5,864.24 

Total Intergroup Group/Individual Donations                                                                                      +$524.66

Total Debits                                                                                                                                                                       $0.00

Acct. Current Balance (1/16/20) Act.                                                                                                        $6,388.90

*The full treasury report is available through your Group Intergroup Representative or by request to:  




Thank you for reading!

Coming in February: "Healthy Relationships"

We invite you to share your experience, strength, and hope.

To submit, please send an email to with the subject line "Newsletter Submission"



Intergroup Treasury Report
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