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March 2023 Intergroup News
Our Little Plans and Designs

Anchor 2

“Our Little Plans and Designs”
Helped by the Slaa program, fellowship and the grace and presence of a HP in my life I have learned that all 'my  solutions' in my ism (ISM: In Separate-self + Misery)  were actually traps:  prisons; poisons; pain.
If you are sitting there waiting for some solution to save you, to change how you feel -cut its head off! (metaphorically!) In my ism and self will i give my power and agency away to everything and everyone as causal for my happiness, safety, wellbeing and okayness and value as a human being. What a miserable place to be in fact!
There is a momentary high, perhaps, as I once again believe that i can 'wrest satisfaction of this world (and people) if i just manage it well enough' -but increasingly spiritual bankruptcy as i am left feeling empty, the more i try and not hurt by controlling life -people, places, circumstances -  to get what 'i' want, the more i hurt! 
Recovery is about understanding i am not this wounded I -and therefore working for its proposed solutions for wellness (which only ends up hurting it further as bless us all -they often were created by a traumatized 4 year olds logic so don't even work that well) - is not where to put my time and energy. 
If I am looking for or working towards any future constellation - within a relationship, my life etc - that is a self willed solution for my life (life:thoughts, feelings, actions -self ) i am not allowing my hp’s grace, love, acceptance, healing and relief into my life, into my heart, into my interactions - as it is, as they are, here and now. 
I grew up in and live in an individualistic, consumerist, prejudiced world that champions the 'self made man', hierarchies, control and power over others; using resources and people rather than belonging to each other and our natural world; that champions predatory rather than cooperative and compassionate approaches to business, that devalues people on basis of they age, body shape, sex, race....  a fair amount of my self willed plans are shaped by this sickness and violence in my this culture -controllng and managing my body to be an object for others’ eyes and minds rather than a sacred home for god's spirit, for instance. I have to see and understand what blocks me both within and in cultural conditioning and ideologies in order to be available to protect and nourish my inner garden  - a place where hp can plant seeds that can grow and unfold organically, blessing life. 
together in recovery we get to create and live in a different culture -a culture of heart fullness, a family of the heart, hp’s loved and loving children - we get to abandon how our culture and how in our roundedness we have imagined our lives to be, and receive the beauty and grace of a new foundation, direction and center for our lives. 
giving up my plans and designs for happiness which involved some vague plans and some specifics (eg being a mother, wife, having a certain income, a home, etc)... some big overview plans (eg family) and lots and lots of micro plans (X should smile at me this way, should be honest, should X Y and Z)..... is easy in moments and hard in others. 
In recovery we can lean into humility to understand that just like we didn't have the power to stop our addiction, we don't have the power to stop self will.....we have to connect with a power greater than us in order to help....I have to keep connected to my beautiful loving heart, to a loving, infinite higher power that i access through working the steps, fellowship, being of service, sponsoring, practicing spirituality and employing spiritual principles in ly life - and many many tenth steps throughout the day! 
when i see myself hitting up the self will hard as a solution! (for some reason I always image doing this in a lurid 80s sweatband -forehead and wrists!)I can feel my hp’s warmth, kindness and acceptance and the self will bender doesn't last as long, or carry the same seriousness or 'reality'...there is humor and kindness around it, and whilst I may not be able to pull myself out of compulsive efforts of control that manifest as obsession in my mind, I simultaneously do not believe in what I am doing as an actual path to happiness as I once did, nor do I feel alone in it, as I once did. 
every time I accept the manifestation of self will as an invitation to hold my HPS hand more firmly and to actually become more free of self and more deeply connected to god and fellowship, rather than more entrenched in self and the problems i create! by picking up the phone and turning it over in a tenth step with a compassionate fellow i develop more and more trust and confidence and joy in surrendering to my hp’s will and dancing in the unknown, unfolding mystery of my being and of life, led sometimes blind, one step at a time. 
In my ISM I was blind to the possibilities of the power and love that are inherent within and accessible to every human being - my power to live a life centered in love where I can contribute to creating a loving world. our world needs us to do this. Our recovery needs this from us too. recovery is not an individual process. At eleven we are brought to this pain so that we can recover - recover our belonging to -and therefore ACTIVE love and service of the world we are part of -human and otherwise. I believe that addiction is god's way of bringing us to our knees as a result of separateness and separate plans for life -and seeing that we are being offered the biggest gift of a lifetime -to heal through healing others  -to heal through rebelonging to the whole -to heal through helping others and helping heal the cultural frame within which so much pain and sickness and addiction is created. our recovery needs to move from the personal to the collective. our world needs us - hp needs us to be active as loving agents. 
every day I devote myself and my will not to seeking what I can get out of life (believe me it is still there with its war cry of marriage marriage marriage some mornings!) but rather seeing, sensing and being with my hp and Love in all the moments of my day, and working towards seeing and responding to this beautiful world with love. the more I chase my own plans the more empty I feel and the further from them I seem to get. the more I surrender them and allow god to guide me, to love me, to love through me, the more these plans drop down around me like old pieces of metal armor that I thought were protecting me, getting me to where I would be safe and okay  - but rather were blocking the giving and receiving of love in my life and creating a world of echoing pain. 
we can not do this alone, I can not do this alone. hp’s will was never for us to live or recover alone, that's why we need each other in order to stay on beam, receptive to our hp’s love and guidance, but it is possible for each and every one of us. slaa is like a hospital in which we are healed of hurt, resentment, grievances, irresponsibility for our own emotions and responses to life, misperceptions, self hate and lack of forgiveness for self and others and are retired to sanity and wellness. this is possible for each and everyone of us, no matter how much pain you may be in, no matter how much you hate yourself, are suffering, how lost and alone you feel, how deep in your addiction, or in the minds maze you are, no matter how lost in obsession, this healing, this wellness is there for each and everyone of us. sending you love, thank you for showing up for this journey that we do together, through love and grace. 
El, france. 

Anchor 1




Registration is open!!

August 24-27, 2023




New SLAA Meeting Update


Opportunity for Service:

A Chicagoland area treatment center is looking for SLAA speakers to share their experience, strength and hope in SLAA recovery at their Northbrook facility. This treatment center also has opportunities for SLAA members to speak virtually. Because it’s a professional facility, speakers will be interviewed by the SLAA Outreach Chair about their sobriety and experience in SLAA.

To inquire, contact

Thank You from Intergroup

The Chicago-Milwaukee Intergroup would like to express gratitude to the following groups

for their contributions, as reported at the November meeting:

Tuesday Keep Coming Back Group $5.00

Thursday Keep Coming Back Group (In-person) $1.00 

Solution In The Suburbs (Deerfield) (Zoom) 1/31/23 $7.62 

Friday & Sunday Beverly Serenity Group (Hybrid) 2 Meetings/1 Group $60.00

These contributions help with Intergroup operations so we can continue to carry the message. Thank you!

Opportunities for Newsletter Submission

As members of SLAA, you have the opportunity to contribute to our local Intergroup newsletters, as well as the fellowship-wide newsletter. Read on for more information.

Contribute to GREAT FACT

GREAT FACT—what you are reading at this very minute—is the newsletter for the Greater Chicago–Milwaukee Intergroup.

We're prepping for publication for the next few months and looking for the following submissions for future issues as it pertains to your experience, strength and hope:

  • Essays

  • Fiction

  • Poetry

  • Artwork

  • Photography

Upcoming deadlines:​​ ​​​​​​​​​  April: New Theme:  “We Commence to Outgrow Fear.”  How have I used my spiritual program to set aside fear to be who my higher power would have me be? Submission deadline is April 18th.


To submit, please send an email to with the subject line "Newsletter Submission." 

Please feel free to send us something outside of the themes above, and we’ll slot it in when appropriate. Thanks!

Thank you from Intergroup
Opportunities for Newsletter Submission
Intergroup Meeting Minutes

Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup

Meeting Minutes- Saturday, February 18, 2023

8:00AM - 9:15 AM

In Person and Zoom (Hybrid): NTAC 909 W. Belmont 2nd fl. West Room

Member Name, Role , Home Group

Chris S ,  Inreach Chair,  Summer Retreat co-ordinator - RFG

Anthony P,  Facilitation Chair,   Tuesday - Keep Coming Back Group

Christie K ,  Newsletter Contributions Ed., -  RFG

Abby H,  Fall Gathering Co-Chair  - RFG

Zane W,  Website Co Facilitator  - RFG

Caitlyn K,  Co Chair: Summer retreat  - RFG

Trevor V,  Fall Gathering Chair/Events Coordinator  RFG

Josh F,   RFG contributions editor / RFG Intergroup Rep  RFG

Burke, Meeting Rep, - 12/12 Living in the Solution

Dave S,   Newsletter Editor  RFG

Kristin,   Website Co Facilitator - Tuesday Solution in Suburb

Dave Sc,   Intergroup Rep for Burbank Serenity Mtg

Hannah K ,  Outreach Chair/ Out reach Vice Chair,  - RFG

Papa A,    Fiduciary Chair  - RFG

Sean M, Outreach Chair  - Sat Morning Augustine

Larry R,  IG rep - Oak Park Saturday Morning

Jeremy W - Fall Gathering Co Chair - RFG


● Prayer for a Trusted Servant 

● Traditions 

● Introductions (name, group affiliation and position) 

● Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA IG Statement of Purpose 

● Review Agenda 

● Concept 4: Burke (Concept 5 March Abby) 


Facilitation (5 Minutes.) 

● General Report: Anthony 

● Approve Minutes: January - unanimous approval.  

● Website Facilitation: Kristin, Zane 

● Web Facilitation 

● SMeetings Chicago Listings (Incorrect and Chicago West) - zane to continue working on it. Abby will be working on becoming our newest website facilitator! Thank you Abby for your service. 

● Remove Valentine’s Event and Post Retreat At Top OF Page March add Venmo Link for Registration Fee - Early registration will be possible by the end of February. 


● Setting Google Drive Permissions - Review IG members have Access - we will especially make sure Larry R has access to the Drive and Google Groups. 


● Drop Down Menu Project - work ongoing. 

● Special Projects: 

● Intergroup Position Responsibilities (Review All Positions and Edit/Add ABM Delegate and Event Coordinator positions) - Progress - Hannah K. An Editing meeting occurred and most of the position descriptions are complete (80%). New updates coming for next month. 


● Retreat Guide for Trusted Servants progress - Complete w/ Letter 

(completed) Letter to be Added. Letter is done and cover letter forDeKoven Center is complete. Will be sending soon! 

Fiduciary (5 Minutes) 

● General Treasurer Report: Papa Chair/Treasurer - unanimous approval. ● Report Financials: General 

● Approve Treasury Report 

● Budget Results for Valentine’s Day Party and Game Night Party 

● Q and A

● 31 meetings are giving donations - thank you! 

OutReach (5 Minutes) 

● General Report: Sean Chairperson, Hannah Vice Chair 


● Tuesday Hazelden Transition - Tuesday night meeting attended for the first time in Hazelden. We’ve already reached capacity! We are already “moving up” to a bigger room. The rent is very reasonable for the group size, and self sufficiency is totally possible. 


● We're providing SunCloud with SLAA speakers; additionally, Kimmy is desperate to get 

a few SLAA's to carry an in-person SLAA meeting into SunCloud 

Northbrook. Several opportunities to speak virtually or in person. Please reach out to Sean M if you are interested in this opportunity. Sean to connect with Larry R and we will reach out via the newsletter time to get more people contacting Sean for availability. 


● She would accept any frequency of commitment and any night of the week (at 7pm) 

● Open 

● Q and A 

Inreach General Report (15 Minutes) 

● General Report: Chris - 

● Newsletter Report (Dave ) 

● Production Editor: Dave, 

● The theme for this month is “our little plans and designs”. In my recovery how have I been able to put aside my plans and move into the flow of life? Deadline is March 15, 2023. 

● Ryan W is interested in becoming the next newsletter editor. Thank you Ryan! 

● Contributions Editor/s: Christie, Josh, anyone else?? 


● Literature Review Subcommittee Basic Text (Anthony) - WIP 

● New Proposed S.L.A.A. Basic Text Revision - Request for Feedback Conference - first 3 chapters - Ongoing 

●Update on Group Reps including suburban -Chris will reach out to Sean/Hannah on finding a Madison WI rep. 

● Retreat 2023 Chris, Christie 

● Payment Option and Venmo Button ADDED? - will be added by end of February 

● Food quality - being addressed - letter sent to Dekoven, after quote gathering found 2-3 businesses that could meet Dekoven’s price 

with a markedly higher quality of menu. 

●Donations Goal - 

●Spring Retreat 2023 - Exploratory Committee -Zane, Anthony, Abby - Work in Progress


● Fall Gathering Update: Abby, Jeremy 

● No updates at this time. 

● Event Coordinator: Trevor 

● Event Coordinator Position Description 

●Recap Game Day and Valentine’s Day - 75% participation on donations for valentine’s day events. 

●Upcoming work includes tickets to ensure 100% tickets. 

● Sponsorship workshop (tabled) 

● ABM Delegates: Anthony and Caitlyn, 2023 ABM Delegates 

● 2023 Costs Overview - Orange County Confirmed 

● Additional Delegate Search and Confirmation? 

● FWS Report/Service 

ELECTIONS and their results: 

Facilitation - Anthony outgoing, Chris S incoming. 

Fiduciary - Papa outgoing, Hannah K incoming. 

Inreach - Chris S outgoing, Caitlyn K incoming.. 

Outreach - election postponed till next month. Current nominations are Ian W and Jeremy W. 

Website Facilitation - outgoing Kristin, incoming Abby. 

Vice Event Coordinator- Burke P. incoming. 

Vice Outreach - Larry R. incoming. 

Website Coordinator Lead Nomination - Zane Continuing, Abby incoming. Assistant Website Coordinator Nomination - Dave S continuing, Ryan W incoming as vice chair 

Thank you to all the new service position holders for their willingness, and thank you to the outgoing servants for their selfless service! 


New Business 

● Dave Sc on behalf of Rise and Shine - A Group Conscience taken at the meeting that the Intergroup should only have 2 intergroup reps. Will be discussed at the next meeting 


● Submissions to newsletter - March Theme: “Our little plans and designs”. In my recovery how have I been able to put aside my plans and move into the flow of life? 

● Deadline for Submissions: March 15, 2023.

● Encourage donations to IG via Venmo (@Augustine-Fellowship) 

● Please submit Meeting Updates via the Meeting Update Function on the Website ● Retreat Dates August 24 - 27, 2023 - Early registration will start end of February. ● New Wicker Park Founders Sought - and SPEAKERS see Isaac Y. and James R. 

Proposed Next Meeting (ELECTION of outreach chair): 

Saturday, April 18, 2023 

8:00am – 9:15 am 

Hybrid both In-Person (preferred) and OnLine (Zoom ID Above) 

Visit us at

Intergroup Treasury Report

Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup
Treasury Report

02/18/23 - 03/17/23

Starting Balance (02/18/23)                                              $11,964.21                                                                                                          

Total Intergroup Group/Individual Donations                  $92.62                                                                                         

Total Expenses                                                                        $587.95                                                                                         

Acct. Current Balance (03/17/23) Act.                             $11,779.88                                                                                     

*The full treasury report is available through your Group Intergroup Representative or

by request to:  

SLAA Online text-only chat

SLAA Online Text-Only Chat


Those who need an additional resource in their SLAA recovery are invited to SLAA Online text-only chat recovery fellowship. Find more information by visiting the SLAA website,, or by emailing

The Journal

​​​​​Contribute to the Fellowship-Wide Newsletter: Journal

​​The Journal is SLAA’s fellowship-wide newsletter, which goes out to fellows across the world. 

Upcoming themes are TO BE ANNOUNCED

Submit responses or other contributions to

To subscribe to the Journal or read the current issue, please click here.  


Thank you for reading!

Coming in April “We Commence To Outgrow Fear

How have I used my spiritual program to set aside fear to be who my higher

power would have me be? Submission deadline is April 18th.

We invite you to share your experience, strength, and hope.

To submit, please send an email to

with the subject line "Newsletter Submission"

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