October 2020: Willingness
Willingness is the Key
Bruce P.
In the second appendix to the AA Big Book — which I think everyone in any 12-Step Program ought to read — it explains that there are three things that the program cannot give us: Willingness, Honesty and Open Mindedness. These three attributes are central to success in the program. We have to be able to be honest with ourselves. We are sex and love addicts; we are powerless over that fact. We have to be open minded. We have to at least give it a try and accept on some level that this spiritual program can be a route to sobriety from our sex and love addiction and anorexia. We have to be open to the fact that God could and would if God were sought!
But the program takes work. We have many tasks before us. And one of my sponsors taught me that the longer we are in the program, the more work we have to do. To face that reality, we must have the willingness to do what is required of us. That is the key to the door that opens the program for us.
We must have the willingness to turn our lives and our wills over to the care and protection of God, however we understand that Higher Power. We make that decision in the Third Step and the sincerity of that decision is central to our success in all the other steps. I say the AA Third Step Prayer each and every day and when I say, “God, I offer myself to thee…” it has to be a total supplication, a total surrender to my Higher Power. Half measures availed us nothing.
But willingness doesn’t end there by any stretch. We have to have the willingness, the honesty and the fearlessness to do a Fourth Step inventory. We have to do the work! It takes effort and we have to be willing to put in that effort. And when we complete our inventory, we need to make ourselves willing to share our innermost secrets with another, whether it be our sponsor, a religious figure, a therapist or counsellor, or a complete stranger. We are only as sick as our secrets. The Fifth Step will make us free, but we must be willing to do it.
Step Six actually makes willingness central to its completion. We have to be willing to have our Higher Power entirely remove all of our character defects. Are we willing for God to have all of us, good and bad? That is the preparation for the Seventh Step, where we ask God to remove all these character defects that stand in the way of our usefulness to God and others.
Back to inventory: Step Eight requires that we make a list of all persons we had harmed and become willing to make amends to them all. This step is crucial preparation for one of the most difficult steps of all: the Step Nine amends process. Sponsorship and prayer are central to becoming willing to make the amends process doable. But the results of having that willingness and taking the action of making amends are beyond wonderful! We will be amazed before we are halfway through the amends process. We will begin to get the promises of a spiritual awakening that this program provides: if we are willing to do the work.
Having done these steps, we cannot rest on our laurels. Our sobriety is dependent on maintaining a fit spiritual condition. We must have the willingness to continue to make inventories. I do my Tenth Step inventory on a daily basis, and it gives me a measure of how willing I am open a daily basis to have my character defects removed. I do Fourth Steps a few times a year. The steps are the program and the program is a lifetime process. We have to be willing to keep doing the work.
Am I willing to pray and meditate every day? It took me some time to become willing. But once I started this daily process — this daily ritual of morning and evening prayer and meditation — I have found that I cannot do without it! It is central to any serenity and self-esteem that I have. Over time, it substantially improves my connection with my Higher Power.
And finally, am I willing to carry whatever message I have to others in the program? Am I willing to take the responsibility of sponsorship, of sharing, of commitment to be a meeting chair, a treasurer, a greeter or other position? Am I willing to show up, for myself, of course, but also for what I can contribute for others? I am not responsible for anyone else’s recovery, but I have received a gift from God and in order to keep it, I must be willing to give it away to my fellow addicts — and to keep it shiny and new and unchanged.
For me, that is the gift of willingness!
Thank You from Intergroup
The Chicago-Milwaukee Intergroup would like to express gratitude to the following groups for their contributions, as reported at the October meeting:​​​​​
Friday and Sunday Beverly Serenity SLAA Group (9/13/20): $60.00
Individual Contributions (8/16/20-9/17/20): $7.00
These contributions help with Intergroup operations so we can continue to carry the message. Thank you!
Intergroup Positions Available
In March, the Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup held elections for Intergroup officer positions. There are still service positions available. If you would like to participate, we encourage you to join us on November 21, 2020 at 8 a.m. We are meeting remotely, please contact 312-725-9918 for details.
Opportunities for Newsletter Submission
As members of SLAA, you have the opportunity to contribute to our local Intergroup newsletters, as well as the fellowship-wide newsletter. Read on for more information.
Contribute to GREAT FACT
GREAT FACT—what you are reading at this very minute—is the newsletter for the Greater Chicago–Milwaukee Intergroup.
We're prepping for publication for the next few months and looking for the following submissions:
Upcoming deadlines:​​​ ​​​
November (November 10th): “Recovery and Holidays”: Experience, tools, challenges, joys
December (December 10th): “Prayer and Meditation”
To submit, please send an email to mailroom@slaachicago.org with the subject line "Newsletter Submission." Please feel free to send us something outside of the themes above, and we’ll slot it in when appropriate. Thanks!
Thoughts from the SLAA Summer Retreat
Thank you to all who attended and were of service in organizing! Here are some quotes from your fellows:
“Wonderful. So much vulnerability and intimacy”
“This retreat was one of the most powerful experiences I’ve had in SLAA. I’m grateful for so many opportunities to practice healthy intimacy with others and deepen my intimacy with God.”
“This retreat was like an oasis in a desert! No longer was I alone in my recovery; I was surrounded by friends and fellows, recovering together!”
SLAA Fall Gathering Save the Date
Saturday, November 7th, 1-6PM CST
Hybrid Format
Registration coming soon!
More details at http://www.slaachicago.org/events
Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup
Meeting Minutes- Saturday, September 19, 2020
Vince: Chair RFG
Anthony: Fiduciary Chair, ABM Delegate, Outreach Chair, KCB, RFG
Chris S: Fall Gathering Co-Chair, Inreach Vice Chair RFG
Verne: Inreach/IG Rep Rise And Shine
Francis: Co-Editor Newsletter Rise And Shine
Christie K: Website Facilitator RFG
Caitlyn K: Co-Editor Newsletter RFG
Kristin S: IG Rep, Website Facilitation Co-Chair, Milwaukee Sat. am
Dave SC: IG Rep Beverly Fri/Sun
Hannah K: RFG
Hannah C: IG Rep, RFG
Chase M: IG Rep, Fiduciary Co-Chair
Ian W: RFG, Beverly Sat/Sun
Shannon D: IG Rep, Rise and Shine
Annie R: Visiting
Prayer for a Trusted Servant
Greater Chicagoland SLAA Statement of Purpose
Review Agenda
12 Concepts of Service -- Concept 4. Verne will read for this month.
Facilitation (10 min.)
Approve minutes from August - approved with minor edits 13-0-0.
Deferred until October: Update on review of by-laws and service role descriptions
Website/Facilitation update
Fiduciary (10 min.)
Approve treasurer's report - approved 11-0-0.
In-reach (20 min.)
Discuss draft for September and approve - discussion was had surrounding newsletter submissions. Concerns were raised about whether articles should carry the message of SLAA recovery. Consensus was found that the articles ought to be on SLAA recovery, and that the 12 steps of recovery through SLAA is the main focus of this newsletter. The editors were encouraged to work with submitters on editing the articles. Intergroup will continue to review and offer feedback on submissions.
Summer retreat (Hannah C and Vince)
Updates - Plans are in process. Please arrive to the retreat between 4-6 PM. A schedule will be forthcoming.
Fall Gathering update (Chris and Caitlyn) - Budget was presented and approved. Save the dates are coming soon. The date is November 7th, 1-6 PM. There is limited in person availability as well as zoom attendance, as this will be a hybrid event.
Phone Meditation meetings
Updates - no attendees are present. A vote was taken to discontinue the meeting. The vote was unanimous.
Other Inreach events
Back to Basics - Verne and Chris will discuss this idea and others, to create more ways to reach in to the fellowship.
ABM/Conference (10 min.)
SLAA 12&12 needs review
The draft 12&12 was distributed recently. Please review it, have your meetings review it, and send feedback to Anthony P. Concrete feedback on smaller chunks would be appreciated. “This concept is missing this important point X” or “this tradition should discuss this principle Y”.
Please remember that this is draft literature and is not conference approved: please do not share it publicly or use it as approved literature in any meeting.
Outreach (10 min.)
Suncloud requesting speakers to return - great news for outreach and carrying the message to fellow addicts
Review Outreach guides -pressed for time, this did not occur.
New Business (5 min.)
Encourage donations to IG via Venmo (@Augustine-Fellowship)
Phone/Meditation meetings Wed nights
Submissions to newsletter
Proposed Next Meeting:
Saturday, Oct 17, 2020
8:00am – 9:15am
St. Hedwig’s Pastoral Center – 2114 W. Webster Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup
Treasury Report
9/17/20 - 10/17/20
Starting Balance September 17, 2020 $10,052.06
Total Intergroup Group/Individual Donations +$67.00
Total Income (Donations and All Retreat) $1962.00
Total Expenses (Intergroup and Retreat) $5021.56
Acct. Current Balance (10/17/20) Act. $6,993.06
*The full treasury report is available through your Group Intergroup Representative or by request to: mailroom@slaachicago.org.
SLAA Online Text-Only Chat
Those who need an additional resource in their SLAA recovery are invited to SLAA Online text-only chat recovery fellowship. Find more information by visiting the SLAA website, slaaonline.org, or by emailing slaaonline@yahoo.com.
Contribute to West Chicago Intergroup Newsletter
Our friends in the West Chicago Intergroup invite members to contribute to their newsletter to share their experience, strength, and hope. According to Mark K., "Writing an article for our newsletter is one way you can serve yourself and others." For more information, email pcomind@gmail.com or visit the West Chicago Intergroup website.
Contribute to the Fellowship-Wide Newsletter: Journal
​The Journal is SLAA’s fellowship-wide newsletter, which goes out to fellows around the world.
The Journal seeks submissions for the “Question of the Day” for upcoming issues (deadline): ​​​
January/February: "Anonymity" Do you feel different about anonymity than when you first got here? Please share your experience, strength, and hope around breaking your anonymity to help another or any experiences around anonymity that have helped you grow in recovery. (Nov. 15)
Submit responses or other contributions to www.slaafws.org/journalsubmit.
To subscribe to the Journal or read the current issue, please click here.
Thank you for reading!
Coming in November: "Recovery and the Holidays"
We invite you to share your experience, strength, and hope.
To submit, please send an email to mailroom@slaachicago.org with the subject line "Newsletter Submission"