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June 2024 Intergroup News

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Summer Retreat 2024

summer retreat 2024.jpeg

Registration is OPEN


Dekoven Center
Racine, Wisconsin
August 15 -18, 2024



Register at:



Thank you from Intergroup
Opportunities for Newsletter Submission




The Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup

Meeting has a New Location!!!


New Location:  3326 N. Ashland, Chicago IL 60657 

There is parking at the Target on the Northwest corner of School and Ashland.  You must park in an upper level of the garage and not on the street-level parking in order to avoid the risk of a ticket.


Next meeting: Saturday, June 20th,  2024  8:00am – 9:15 am (Recurring every 3rd Saturday of each month.)  In Person and Zoom (Hybrid):


Opportunity for Service:


A Chicagoland area treatment center is looking for SLAA speakers to share their experience, strength and hope in SLAA recovery at their Northbrook facility. This treatment center also has opportunities for SLAA members to speak virtually. Because it’s a professional facility, speakers will be interviewed by the SLAA Outreach Chair about their sobriety and experience in SLAA. To inquire, contact




Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup Representation


The Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup is grateful to have representatives from the following meetings :


12x12 Living in the Solution

Friday/ Sunday Beverly

Priceless Gift of Sobriety Meeting

Ravenswood Fellowship Group

Tuesday Keep Coming Back Group

Thursday Keep Coming Group

Friday Night “Into Action”

Saturday Morning Oak Park


The Intergroup is still seeking representatives from the following meetings:


Solution in the Suburbs

Monday Night Naperville

Tuesday Morning Suburban West

SLAA From Anorexia to Healthy Relationships

Wednesday Morning Suburban West

Milwaukee Wednesday Evening Meeting

Reba Place Church

Thursday Night Naperville

Friday Morning Suburban West

Friday Evening Suburban West

Friday Night Live

Rise & Shine (St. Pauls)

Sunday Morning Suburban West Meeting

Sunday Night Women’s Meeting (WOMEN ONLY)

Sunday Night Oak Park (Newcomer Focus)

Sunday Night Andersonville Meeting

Evanston Sunday Night Group

Women Stepping Into Serenity


Please join us in developing an inclusive SLAA community that represents the entire Chicago/Milwaukee area.


The intergroup would like to remind everyone that it relies on monetary donations from groups to fund its service projects. If you are an intergroup representative, please ask your home group to consider making a monthly donation to the intergroup. When sending donations via Venmo, please write “group donation” in the comments section and specify which group the donation is coming from. 



Contribute to GREAT FACT


GREAT FACT—what you are reading at this very minute—is the newsletter for the Greater Chicago–Milwaukee Intergroup. 


We're prepping for publication for the next few months and looking for the following submissions for future issues as it pertains to your experience, strength and hope:


  • Essays

  • Fiction

  • Poetry

  • Artwork

  • Photography


​Upcoming Theme:

July: “I am now willing that you should have all of me”. How has your higher power helped you work on your character defects?


Deadline for submissions is July 20th.


To submit, please send an email to with the subject line "Newsletter Submission."  Please feel free to send us something outside of the themes above, and we’ll slot it in when appropriate. Thanks!   


Intergroup Meeting Minutes

     May Intergroup Minutes


Name, Home, Group Intergroup Position

Cristian, 12x12 Living in the Solution, IG Rep

Caitlyn, RFG, Inreach Chair, ABM Delegate, IG Rep

Hannah, RFG, Fiduciary Committee

Trevor, RFG, Summer Retreat Co-chair

Zane, RFG, Fiduciary Chair

Abby, RFG, Tuesday Keep Coming Back, Summer Retreat Co-chair, Website facilitator

Ryan, Tuesday Night Priceless Gift of Sobriety, Newsletter Editor

Chris, RFG, Facilitation Chair

Nathan, RFG; Tuesday Keep Coming Back, IG Rep

Anthony, Tuesday Keep Coming Back, ABM Delegate, Inreach Vice-Chair

Burke, 12x12 Living in the Solution, Events Co-Chair



  • Prayer for a Trusted Servant 

  • Traditions 

  • Introductions (name, group affiliation and position) 

  • Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA IG Statement of Purpose 

  • Review Agenda 

  • Concept 6 Ryan Concept 7 June Burke


Facilitation (5 Minutes.) 

  • General Report: Chris 

    • Approve Minutes: April Approved

    • Website Facilitation: Abby 

      • Web Facilitation: 

        • Drop Down Menu Project - update from abby on progress and future Continuing to work on this project

        • Meeting location for Saturday 12/12 living in the solution and rise and shine the same Confirmed the information is accurate, meetings are at the same location

        • Special Projects: 

          • New permanent page for SLAA Summer Retreat Abby put page on the top of the website and add the flier, there’s an opportunity to add more resources like room maps, put pictures from the grounds

        • Google Group Distro List - Have been reaching out to members who are no longer involved, reached out 30 people, 2 responded to be removed, 2 who wanted to stay on the list; People who didn’t respond were removed

        • Google Drive Access - separate from the distro list, will need to check documents have the correct access type (edit, comment, etc)

        • Upcoming - August IG meeting is during the SLAA Summer Retreat - Chris to work on schedule


Fiduciary (10 Minutes) 

  • General Treasurer Report: Zane Approved

    • Check for $3072 was sent to DeKoven 40% 90 days in advance; has not been cashed yet

    • Add link of the fiduciary reports to the google drive Abby/Chris

    • Include the full fiduciary report in the email sent out to the group Zane

  • Planning to transfer to new Fiduciary chair 

  • Report Financials: General 

  • Q and A 


OutReach (5 Minutes) 

  • General Report: Ian W Sending list of trained speakers to Suncloud, currently 4 people, looking to get 4 new people trained; there is a sobriety requirement, sober and sponsored in SLAA

    • Inreach/Outreach team up - outreach to far suburban meetings 

    • SLAA Speakers for Suncloud - direct asks 

    • Q and A 

    • Thursday Noon Online Only meeting - no one was there when newcomer tried to add - CK to try to go this week to see if meeting is happening before we delist meeting.

    • Cristian to help for any spanish-speaking requests


Inreach General Report (10 Minutes) 

  • General Report: Caitlyn K 

    • Newsletter Report (Production Editor Ryan W)

      • June Theme is Willingness - Due June 15th

      • Need a production editor

    • Update on Group Reps including suburban/oak park groups 

    • Summer Retreat 2024 

      • $1190 in retreat income - 40% to DeKoven has been paid; working to spread the word on registration. Asking for reps to bring flyers and information to their meetings, envelopes for donations, asking people to registration now; Liability insurance is purchased; 7 registered and paid so far; 1 person paying via Paypal & Trevor to Venmo

      • Question about posting on All-S website, send to FWS

      • Reach out to people who were on the google drive to share info about the summer retreat

      • Q and A 

    • Event Coordinator: Burke and Andrew C 

      • Bowling Event 5/19 12-2pm 11/18 people signed up, open event

      • Upcoming Events (In the works) Looking to do something in the western suburbs area, reach out to Larry

      • Q and A 

    • Fall Gathering Female co-chair needed

    • Sponsorship workshop (tabled)


Annual Business Meeting Delegates (30 min) 

  • ABM Delegates: Anthony and Caitlyn, 2024 ABM Delegates 

    • Chicago created the IFD discussion 

      • Basic Text Revisions - We now have a 2-3 column attachment showing the changes they are proposing; Chicago to propose our edits of the changes to attach to our IFD - will be the first item on the Agenda; not focusing on the story section

      • Put forward letter from last year’s delegate list

      • 2nd item: IFD about sobriety requirement for writing SLAA literature - confirmed this was discussed last ABM, will need to see if we can convert to a motion; difference of people working through their disease and writing literature vs having recovered and writing

      • Will need to convert to a motion or it will need to be dropped for another year, Anthony to reach out to see what’s possible

      • Motion would be for 2 years sobriety - 7 in favor, 0 oppose, 2 abstain

    • Additional Delegate Search 3 confirmed right now, could have 2-3 more; can also have observers but they cannot vote; New candidates voted in: Abby, Cristian, Zane (looking to confirm within the next month)

    • Requirements:

      • 1 Year membership in SLAA

      • 6 months sobriety

      • 9-12 months attending Intergroup

      • 2 year rotation

      • Working the steps with a sponsor

    • Testing of Dekoven for 2025 ABM Bid/2024 ABM meeting. 

      • Online ABM this year 

      • Bid for Chicago 2025: cost effective plan and plenty of service needed.

      • ABM agenda

    • ABM Registration Deadline 6/24/24 - Chris to handle


New Business (5 min.) As Possible 

  • Intergroup Representatives Feedback 

  • New Thursday night - ask if they want to be listed 

  • Sunday night Andersonville meeting - ask them to send an Intergroup member and donate money 



  • Submissions to newsletter - June theme: Willingness

    • Deadline for Submissions: June 15, 2024

  • SLAA Summer Retreat August 15-18 

  • Bowling Event May 19th 12-2pm 

  • Subscribe to the newsletter on the slaachicago website 

  • Encourage donations to IG via Venmo (@Augustine-Fellowship) 

  • Please submit Meeting Updates via the Meeting Update Function on the Website (reopening, etc.) 


Proposed Next Meeting: June 15, 2024. 

8:00am – 9:15 am 

Hybrid both In-Person (preferred) and OnLine (Zoom ID Above) 

3326 N Ashland Ave. 

Visit us at 


Higher Power, 

We ask your guidance in carrying out this work in service to the Fellowship. Relieve us of the burdens of our egos and perfectionism. 

Grant us the grace of humility. 

Remind us to place principles before personalities.

Help us to focus only on the greater good of the group. 

Let us know that we are responsible only for doing the leg work, not the outcome. Give us the faith to trust in You and the Group Conscience. 

And grant us the serenity to accept the things we can not change the courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference.

Intergroup Treasury Report

Fiduciary Report




Previous Month's Balance:  $13,914.45

Expenses: -$350

Income (Donations): $32

Income (Events): $4,425

Current Balance: $18,021.45



Prudent Reserve: -$8,477.67

Working Balance: $9,543.78


* Expenses include: 

$35.00 NTAC Rental

$105.00 Retreat Liability Insurance

$210 - Bowling event reimbursement 


* Income includes:

Total Donations: $32.00

Groups: $12.00

Individuals: $20.00 


Thank you to the groups (and individuals) who sent in 7th tradition contributions: 

Tuesday KCB ($11)

Saturday 12x12 ($1) 


Please continue to encourage 7th tradition contributions from your groups, and remember to indicate your group's name and "Group Donation" in the comments section on Venmo.




SLAA Online text-only chat


SLAA Online Text-Only Chat


Those who need an additional resource in their SLAA recovery are invited to SLAA Online text-only chat recovery fellowship. Find more information by visiting the SLAA website,, or by emailing



The Journal


​​​​​Contribute to the Fellowship-Wide Newsletter: Journal​

​​The Journal is SLAA’s fellowship-wide newsletter, which goes out to fellows across the world. 

Upcoming themes are TO BE ANNOUNCED


Submit responses or other contributions to

To subscribe to the Journal or read the current issue, please click here.  


Thank you for reading!

Coming in July:

“I am now willing that you should have all of me”. How has your higher power helped you work on your character defects?

Deadline for submissions is July 20th.


We invite you to share your experience, strength, and hope.

To submit, please send an email to

with the subject line "Newsletter Submission"



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