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January 2022 Intergroup News
Willing To Go To Any Length

Anchor 2

Willing To Go To Any Lengths

The Length of a Step: 

I’m willing to go any length 

Line breaks until I break. I will 

stand outside in line all night for this

Lyin’ longer and longer lies with 

too much pride - lion. King 

Addiction, my vision’s scarred 

Might stomp a mufasa 

incite a fight 

lose a job, rob 

start a mob 

going any length 

Watch me 

in feature-length edition 

The director’s cut 

and I am hemorrhaging 

money, losing color, bleeding 

together with you. No bandage 

on hand can relieve me from the bondage 

of self. Credit cards maxed out 

questioning my statements 

So withdrawn 

Now a loan 

Stole from Bofa myself and my Ally’s

Checks bounced from too much 

banking on self with insufficient fund

amental life strategies and

pursuit of - the Chase of 

making her my Capital One

I’m willing to go any length any ways

staying in pain for any width of time 

to the depths of despair. Height

ened states of depression/anxiety 

Geometry of my confusion

 area of abyss beneath the surface where 

I’m screaming screaming screaming

for the right angle

but there’s no volume. Twisted

prisms and trapezoids, circumference of widening gyres


Lord willin’. I’m willin’ 

I’m willin’. Lord willin’ - who’s willin’ 

I’m willing to change

you first before I change 

I’m willing to go to therapy to fix relationships

with secret mistresses 

I’m willing to risk it all 

even if I don’t have anything else left 

I’m willing to willing to willing to

wheel myself to these 

ultimate outcomes: “insanity” , “deathbed”

Funny – those 4 words are all the same length too: 8 letters

as in: letters unsent, life unaddressed

messages that I could not deliver 

that ate me, the guilt, consuming me after I’d gone

postal in the system from life’s UPS and downs 

generating joules of wasted energy. But 

it’s the length of a step that converts 

lost power into jewels of serenity. So 

quick to a sponsor like NASCAR. Tirelessly

and ceaselessly praying away my

addiction’s unceasing preying. So 

happy, joyous, and free 

I now have a pep, boy 

because of the drive to service

What is the length of a step 

It’s any measures taken 

against this addiction

- Jeremy W.


Willing to Take Contrary Action, One Day at a Time



“Does ‘Willing to Go to Any Lengths’ sound daunting? Then try contrary action today!”


Jokes aside—we are interested in upholding the twelve traditions in SLAA, so I would rather practice attraction than promotion, suggested by this piece’s title—I strongly suggest working a Program of contrary action to sponsees and others who come to me asking for help in SLAA. One of the reasons the twelve steps work for me—if I work them—is that they don’t just work on the obvious symptoms of my addiction. Instead, they work on all areas of my life. And really, that’s what I need to live a sober life, however imperfectly.


To me, sobriety doesn’t just mean not acting out on my bottom lines, though that is surely

critical. Sobriety means having the willingness to do things differently, however much

discomfort I worry I will feel doing contrary action, with support. That means being willing to

practice the five S’s in the SLAA Preamble: Sobriety, Sponsorship/Meetings, Steps, Service, and

Spirituality—and most importantly, not practicing them alone.


The way I’ve learned to work SLAA requires the use of other people, including my sponsor, and

other tools that help me get out of my own head. Like many addicts, I struggle with self-reliance

in my head and overreliance on others in different areas of my life. Both, to me, are about self-

centeredness, wanting others to serve me and my interests, rather than me serving others and

my Higher Power.


When I was working step five, my sponsor said, “Step six is going to be hard for you.” Step six is

where we become “entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character,” and my

issues and shortcomings were practically engrained in everything I did. Self-righteousness?

Good God, did I have that. Always needing validation for my accomplishments? Every meeting

was a testament to that. Arrogance? Oh, wow, my tendencies of egomania-with-an-inferiority-

complex were out of control.


In step six, my sponsor introduced two related ideas that altered my concept of what I was

capable of: “acting as if” and contrary action. My sponsor made it clear that we become willing

to have God remove our defects of character through acting like we are embodying our defects’

opposites. So, I worked on listening instead of correcting people all the time, right sizing my

expectations to lessen resentments, mentioning accomplishments once instead of hitting

people over the head with them at every opportunity, and other measures that took a lot of



These practices were a big reason why I’ve called step six in this Program the first “game-

changer” step for me. I knew I was powerless, and I knew I had issues that needed help—doing

something about them was another matter entirely, as the AA “Big Book” reminds us that self-

knowledge alone avails us nothing. I had boatloads of self-knowledge, but no knowledge of how

to change them. Working with my sponsor and being willing to go to any lengths to live a

a different life enabled those changes.


Today, I would like to think I am still willing to go to any lengths to further my recovery, but my

challenges are different—sometimes. My defects can still pop up, but I’m able to correct

myself, make amends, and check in with others about how I’m feeling. I am still really hard on

myself for the recovery I would like to have made perfect by now. However, I know that I have

made a lot of progress already, and I can keep making progress if I keep up the willingness to go to any lengths.


These days, I would like to work on cutting back on “gray area” behavior that has intensified

lately with different issues I don’t always feel willing to deal with. In other words, I still want to

numb and get high in ways that may not make my life unmanageable but can still cause



So, today, for contrary action, I will make at least one phone call to someone in SLAA to talk

about the struggles I’m having, as well as doing an inventory on resentments and maybe some

more writing for self-care. I am still willing to go to any lengths and put my recovery into

practice. Progress, not perfection.


The Metric System 


A gram, a, a, a hectare, a country mile, a New York minute

A length of rope, a length of shoelace tied to get to the meeting

An electrocellulength connecting me by phone, length of hope.

I see measuring tape overlaid on every landscape, ruling

distances between. Seem sometimes st- st- static, insoluble

From bed, or screen-glued, in hours imprisoned. But zoom: each increment,

each quarter- or eighth- or sixteenth-inch contains

a rectangle to fill through will with love. The risk: shade in cracks with

acts of giving: to listen, or do a chore, is to approach shore

Right now the crevices I’m working hardest to

fill are filling my partner in on what’s going on

in my brain, little things I never mention,

preferences like “I don’t like that furniture” or

even good things like “I’m bookending my

internet now” because I don’t want to rock the

boat or worry her

But each silence is a length

And I’m working to fill the crevice of critique of others

Hating and judging like I’m still at war, outmoded technique

And the toughest fill: toss “expert” badge in the lake of HP

Over and over again, practice the dance of surrender

Anchor 1



New SLAA Meeting

The Chicago-Milwaukee Intergroup would like to announce a new meeting: 


The Priceless Gift of Recovery Meeting

Tues 6:30 - 7:30pm.  In person.

St James Commons, 65 E Huron St. 

Meeting Rm 1 

Thank You from Intergroup

The Chicago-Milwaukee Intergroup would like to express gratitude to the following groups

for their contributions, as reported at the November meeting:

Grace Episcopal Church Tuesday 7pm (Oak Park) $400.00

These contributions help with Intergroup operations so we can continue to carry the message. Thank you!

Opportunities for Newsletter Submission

As members of SLAA, you have the opportunity to contribute to our local Intergroup newsletters, as well as the fellowship-wide newsletter. Read on for more information.

Contribute to GREAT FACT

GREAT FACT—what you are reading at this very minute—is the newsletter for the Greater Chicago–Milwaukee Intergroup.

We're prepping for publication for the next few months and looking for the following submissions for future issues as it pertains to your experience, strength and hope:

  • Essays

  • Fiction

  • Poetry

  • Artwork

  • Photography

Upcoming deadlines:​​ ​​​​​​​​​  February: New Theme:  “Came to Believe”  Describe your experience of coming to believe in a higher power and how it has brought sanity to your life. Submission deadline is February 15th.

To submit, please send an email to with the subject line "Newsletter Submission." 

Please feel free to send us something outside of the themes above, and we’ll slot it in when appropriate. Thanks!

Thank you from Intergroup
Opportunities for Newsletter Submission
Intergroup Meeting Minutes

Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup

Meeting Minutes- Saturday, December 17, 2022

8:00AM - 9:15 AM

In Person and Zoom (Hybrid): NTAC 909 W. Belmont 2nd fl. West Room

Member Name, Role , Home Group

Chris S ,   RFG Inreach Chair,  Summer Retreat co-ordinator, RFG

Anthony P,  Facilitation Chair,   Tuesday - Keep Coming Back Group

Christie K ,  Newsletter Contributions Ed.,  RFG

Abby H,  Fall Gathering Co-Chair,  RFG

Jeremy W,   Outreach,  RFG

Caitlyn K,  Co Chair: Summer retreat,   RFG

Adam G. Guest RFG

Zane W,  Website Co Facilitator,  RFG

Trevor V,  Fall Gathering Chair/Events Coordinator,  RFG

Ed O,   Guest

Josh F,   RFG contributions editor / RFG Intergroup Rep,  RFG

Dave S,   Newsletter Editor,  RFG

Kristin,   Website Co Facilitator , Tuesday Solution in Suburb

Dave Sc,    Intergroup Rep for Burbank Serenity Mtg

Hannah K ,   Outreach Chair/ Out reach Vice Chair,   RFG

Papa A,    Fiduciary Chair,  RFG

Sean M, Outreach Chair,  Sat Morning Augustine


● Prayer for a Trusted Servant 

● Traditions 

● Introductions (name, group affiliation and position) 

● Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA IG Statement of Purpose 

● Review Agenda 

● 12 Concepts of Service 

● Concept 2 Christie (January Concept 3: Dave Sc) 


Facilitation (5 Minutes.) 

● General Report: Anthony 

● Approve Minutes: December - Minutes approved with no “no” votes. ● Website Facilitation: Kristin, Zane 

● Web Facilitation - Uploading Dr. Lembke in progress - Chris will send to Dave for upload. 

● Uploading Dr. Lemke Q and A - Edits?  

● Setting Google Drive Permissions - Review IG members have Access. Kristin has reviewed and found all in compliance. Those who have trouble accessing should reach out to Kristin to get the access needed. 

●Drop Down Menu Project - Zane to work with Adam on developing this further. 

● Special Projects: 

● Officer Responsibilities - Progress - Hannah K will continue to 

coordinate on finishing up the officer responsibilities. 

● Retreat Guide for Trusted Servants - Complete w/ Letter See Attachments  

● Officer and Other Responsibilities - Progress: Identifying FUTURE Officers, 2023!! Elections are in February, so please have nominations for January. Chairs andother elected positions to nominate replacements. 

Fiduciary (5 Minutes) 

● General Treasurer Report: Papa Chair/Treasurer, Vince Vice Chair 

● Report Financials: General \


● Underpaying rent to NTAC by $5 for last few months, $55 extra going to them to make things equal 

● $200 from Fall Gathering refund in the mail. More upcoming. 

● Communications coming in about how IG is using the money. Letter being craft 

● Due to increase in cost for ABM Delegate, we will be doing more outreach for contributions.

● Approve Treasury Report - Treasury approved. 

● Update Cookout Results - Summary (Trevor, Christie) 

● Q and A 

● Willing to pen a “adopt a meeting” or “adopt a retreat participant” as a fundraiser? New fundraiser concept for meetings to “sponsor”  another meeting. 


● 3 of the oak park/ forest park meetings are listed without an intergroup - Sean M and Abby to reach out to Tuesday night and Abby Chris S 

and sean to reach out to Friday 5-6. Chris to reach out to Pete C to 

check on Saturday morning SLAA. 

OutReach (5 Minutes) 

● General Report: Sean Chairperson, Hannah Vice Chair 

● St. James and Hazelden Developments - The tuesday night meeting will eventually be moving to Hazelden. Rent for a room of 25 person room is $40/month. Not expected to submit rent for the first three months, aware that things take time. They want to know the name and contact and chair for the meeting - who will be the responsible party - that person will also have a key for the building. 

● Direct Outreach? St. James and Attendance - Jeremy On-Site Lead.

● Meeting in Madison without an Intergroup - inviting them to be listed with us 

● Q and A 

● Kimmy H is on the lookout for somebody to set up an SLAA meeting into sun clouds Residential Treatment Center on Sunday nights at 7:00 PM It’s in Northbrook I wondered if you’d have any interest or know somebody who might. 

● Isaac starting new meeting in Wicker Park. Friday night 8:30 PM 

Inreach General Report (15 Minutes) 

● General Report: Chris - 

● Newsletter Report (Dave ) 

● Production Editor: Dave, 

● Contributions Editor/s: Christie 

● Literature Review Subcommittee Basic Text (Anthony) 

● New Proposed S.L.A.A. Basic Text Revision - Request for Feedback Conference - first 3 chapters 


● Reachout to Meetings for IG Reps/Suburban West - Chris, Abby, Dave, Anthony - FINAL see above for mentions of meetings in Oak Park and Forest Park. 


● Retreat 2023 Chris, Co-Chair TBD 

● Registration will start soon

● Nominations for Co Chair will be announced in January. 

● Donations 


● Caterers - additional work to find more reasonable prices for food ongoing.. 

● Spring Retreat 2023 - Exploratory Committee 

● Q and A 

● Fall Gathering Update:Trevor, Abby - 

● Co-Chair Nominees Will be developed. Ian W suggested. 

● Updating the Fall Gathering guide ongoing. 

● Update FG Guide? 

● Q and A - 

● Event Coordinator: Trevor - Valentine’s event. A month after that some sort of a dance or hangout. More information soon! 

● Event/s Proposed 

● Trusted Servants 

● Upcoming (In the works) 

● Q and A 

● Sponsorship workshop (tabled) 

● ABM Delegates: Anthony and Caitlyn, 2022 ABM Delegates 

● 2023 Costs Overview 

● Additional Delegate Search and Confirmation? 

● FWS Report/Service 

● Looking for a 3rd delegate 

● Next ABM meeting may be hybrid - more information 

● Service at the FWS - Concepts Traditions and Steps Committee is available to help with serving. 

Intergroup Representatives Feedback

  ● None Noted 

New Business (10 min.) As Possible 


● Looking for New N. Michigan Ave. Group Speakers (direct ask - prescreen) and Founder Attendees 

● Encourage donations to IG via Venmo (@Augustine-Fellowship) 

● Please submit Meeting Updates via the Meeting Update Function on the Website (reopening, etc.) 

● Retreat Dates August 24 - 27, 2023 at the DeKoven Center 

● New Wicker Park Founders Sought - and SPEAKERS see Isaac

● Next Month’s Newsletter theme: “Willing to go to any lengths” - What lengths were you willing to go to for your sobriety in SLAA? Or conversely, what lengths were you willing to go to to satisfy your disease. January 18th, 2022. 

Proposed Next Meeting: 

Saturday, February 18,, 2022 

8:00am – 9:15 am 

Hybrid both In-Person (preferred) and OnLine (Zoom ID Above) 

Visit us at

Intergroup Treasury Report

Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup
y Report

12/17/22 - 01/20/23

Starting Balance (12/17/22)                                              $11,202.64                                                                                                           

Total Intergroup Group/Individual Donations           $400.00                                                                                         

Total Expenses                                                                    $31.34                                                                                           

Acct. Current Balance (01/20/23) Act.                             $11,711.30                                                                                     

*The full treasury report is available through your Group Intergroup Representative or

by request to:  

SLAA Online text-only chat

SLAA Online Text-Only Chat


Those who need an additional resource in their SLAA recovery are invited to SLAA Online text-only chat recovery fellowship. Find more information by visiting the SLAA website,, or by emailing

The Journal

​​​​​Contribute to the Fellowship-Wide Newsletter: Journal

​​The Journal is SLAA’s fellowship-wide newsletter, which goes out to fellows across the world. 

Upcoming themes are TO BE ANNOUNCED

Submit responses or other contributions to

To subscribe to the Journal or read the current issue, please click here.  


Thank you for reading!

Coming in February “Came to Believe”

Describe your experience of coming to believe in a higher power and how it

has brought sanity to your life. Submission deadline is February 15th.

We invite you to share your experience, strength, and hope.

To submit, please send an email to

with the subject line "Newsletter Submission"

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