September 2023 Intergroup News
Bottom Lines
A high school teacher once taught me that finding the truth of anything requires removing all doubt. “When in doubt, hack it out,” he said. This also applies to that dubious behavior that seems to always pull me sooner or later into acting out. Why not just put the behavior in question on your bottom line? By so doing, there’s a chance your true self will come to the forefront.
-Dave Sch
Several members of SLAA have contributed to this issue by sharing their bottom lines. Some definitions of bottom lines are:
-self-defined activities which we refrain from in order to experience our physical, mental, emotional, sexual and spiritual wholeness,
-a list of the things that triggered the insanity that brought me to my knees around my sex and love addiction
-behaviors we needed to stop to best support our recovery.
Some SLAA member’s bottom lines:
My bottom lines are:
No porn of any kind. No sex outside of my marriage”
My bottom lines are:
No pornography. No watching any kind of media for the sake of getting a sexual hit.
My bottom lines are:
No sex outside of my marriage.
No ongoing intrigues, flirtations, or rain-checking communications
No spending money on anything having to do with sex outside my marriage.
Here are my bottom lines:
No sexual contact with men with wives or girlfriends
No starting new romantic or sexual relationships with people I’m doing a play with while we’re working together
If I’m going to date, I have to use a dating plan
My bottom lines include:
No sexual relationships until I’m ready
No dating without a dating plan. No dating apps
No contacting exes or former acting out partners”
My bottom lines are:
No contact with ex's or acting out partners.
No social media or in real life stalking of ex's or acting out partners.
No pursuing unavailable people.
No having sex without talking to my sponsor first.
My bottom lines are:
No porn of any kind. No sex outside of my marriage
No sex chat rooms.
No reading personal ads or dating apps.
No walking through adult sections of video stores.
My bottom lines are:
No masturbation. No sex outside my relationship.
No pornography. No escort sites.
The following are on my bottom line: porn, hookups, apps of any kind.
Not following my dating plan.
My bottom lines are:
Masturbating in public (without exposing myself)
Pornography, chat sites, sexual conversations with women who are not my partner.
My bottom lines are:
No sex with women outside of my committed relationship (soon to be marriage)
No solitary sex with self (this is phrased this way because we would have long distance sex , but that didn’t work out too well)
No pornography
Fall Gathering 2023
Outgrowing Fear:
Commencing To Direct Our Attention to What God Would Have Us Be
Saturday, October 28th, 2023
Grace Episcopal, Oak Park
All-day Event
Register at:
New SLAA Meeting Update
The Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup
Meeting has a new location
Saturday, October 21st, 2023 8:00am – 9:15 am (Recurring every 3rd Saturday of each month.) In Person and Zoom (Hybrid):
New Location: 3326 N. Ashland, Chicago IL 60657
There is parking at the Target on the Northwest corner of School and Ashland. You must park in an upper level of the garage and not on the street-level parking in order to avoid the risk of a ticket.
Opportunity for Service:
A Chicagoland area treatment center is looking for SLAA speakers to share their experience, strength and hope in SLAA recovery at their Northbrook facility. This treatment center also has opportunities for SLAA members to speak virtually. Because it’s a professional facility, speakers will be interviewed by the SLAA Outreach Chair about their sobriety and experience in SLAA. To inquire, contact
Thank You from Intergroup
The Chicago-Milwaukee Intergroup would like to express gratitude to the following groups for their contributions, as reported at the August meeting:
Loop Co-op Meeting (Zoom) $9.00
Thursday Keep Coming Back Group (In-person) $2.00
Rise and Shine St. Paul's (Zoom) $225.00
These contributions help with Intergroup operations so we can continue to carry the message. Thank you!
Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup Representation
The Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup is grateful to have representatives from the following meetings :
12x12 Living in the Solution
Friday/ Sunday Beverly
Priceless Gift of Sobriety Meeting
Ravenswood Fellowship Group
Tuesday Keep Coming Back Meeting
Friday Night into Action
The Intergroup is still seeking representatives from the following meetings:
Oak Park
Solution in the Suburbs
Monday Night Naperville
Tuesday Morning Suburban West
SLAA From Anorexia to Healthy Relationships
Wednesday Morning Suburban West
Milwaukee Wednesday Evening Meeting
Reba Place Church
Thursday Night Naperville
Friday Morning Suburban West
Friday Evening Suburban West
Friday Night “Into Action”
Friday Night Live
Rise & Shine (St. Pauls)
Sunday Morning Suburban West Meeting
Sunday Night Women’s Meeting (WOMEN ONLY)
Sunday Night Oak Park (Newcomer Focus)
Evanston Sunday Night Group
Women Stepping Into Serenity
Please join us in developing an inclusive SLAA community that represents the entire Chicago/Milwaukee area.
Next Meeting: (NOTE NEW LOCATION!)
Saturday, October 21st, 2023 8:00am – 9:15 am
In Person and Zoom (Hybrid): 3326 N. Ashland, Chicago IL 60657
There is parking at the Target on the Northwest corner of School and Ashland. You must park in an upper level of the garage and not on the street-level parking in order to avoid the risk of a ticket.
The intergroup would like to remind everyone that it relies on monetary donations from groups to fund its service projects. If you are an intergroup representative, please ask your home group to consider making a monthly donation to the intergroup. When sending donations via Venmo, please write “group donation” in the comments section and specify which group the donation is coming from.
Opportunities for Newsletter Submission
As members of SLAA, you have the opportunity to contribute to our local Intergroup newsletters, as well as the fellowship-wide newsletter. Read on for more information.
Contribute to GREAT FACT
GREAT FACT—what you are reading at this very minute—is the newsletter for the Greater Chicago–Milwaukee Intergroup.
We're prepping for publication for the next few months and looking for the following submissions for future issues as it pertains to your experience, strength and hope:
Upcoming deadlines:
October Theme: Relapse How has relapse strengthened my recovery and helped me change the way I work my program? Deadline is October 15.
To submit, please send an email to with the subject line "Newsletter Submission." Please feel free to send us something outside of the themes above, and we’ll slot it in when appropriate. Thanks!
Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup
Meeting Minutes- Saturday, August 19th, 2023
8:00AM - 9:15 AM
In Person and Zoom (Hybrid): NTAC 3326 N. Ashland
Member Name, Role , Home Group
Member Name, Role , Home Group
Chris S Facilitation Chair, Retreat Co Chair, RFG
Anthony Inreach Vice Chair, ABM Delegate, Tuesday - Keep Coming Back Group
Caitlyn Inreach Chair/ABM Delegate, RFG
Abby Fall Gathering Co-Chair, Website Co-facilitator, Tuesday KCB, RFG
Dave Sc Beverly Friday/Sunday IG Rep
Zane Website Co-Facilitator, RFG
Dave S Newsletter Co-Editor, RFG
Papa Fiduciary Vice Chair, RFG
Burke Events Vice Chair, 12 x 12 Living in the Solution
Trevor RFG IG REP, Co Events coordinator. RFG
● Prayer for a Trusted Servant
● Traditions
● Introductions (name, group affiliation and position)
● Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA IG Statement of Purpose
● Review Agenda
● Concept 9: Anthony (Next month, Concept 10: Abby)
Facilitation (5 Minutes.)
● General Report: Chris
● Approve Minutes: July - Minutes appved
● Website Facilitation: Zane, Abby
● Web Facilitation - addresses sign up for newsletter, Caitlyn to follow
up with Abby on adding a box
■ Fiduciary email - access to google drive - need to submit reports to the drive.
● Hannah/Papa to look into adding monthly IG reports and
budgets to the google drive, last years information is missing
■ New permanent page for SLAA Summer Retreat -Chris to work on after retreat
■ Setting Google Drive Permissions - Review IG members have Access Chris to continue working on
■ Drop Down Menu Project Zane to continue working on
■ Special Projects:
■ Intergroup Position Responsibilities (Review All Positions and Edit/Add ABM Delegate and Event Coordinator positions) - Progress - Hannah K.
■ Trevor/Hannah - event coordinator position description? Anthony to review
Anthony reviewed with Hannah, concepts looked good,
Hannah to write to keep single voice similar to other positions, final version to be finalized
■ Retreat Guide for Trusted Servants progress - Caitlyn and Christie to review This is done and can be removed
Fiduciary (5 Minutes)
● General Treasurer Report: Hannah Chair/Treasurer, Papa vice chair
● Set up time to compare and reconcile retreat financials post retreat.
○ Current discrepancy between Papa and Chris on number of attendees, scholarships. Final reconciliation to be done after the retreat.
○ Reimbursements to be done at the retreat for any expenses.
● Report Financials: General
● Approve Treasury Report The report was not approved due to errors. ○ There was a question about the ABM expenses, both for last month and year to date, Hannah and Papa to look into and report back for final approval.
■ Hannah and Anthony are investigating getting some money back from ABM, both for the room that was sold but still charged for, and the travel fund.
○ Ending balance on financial report is matching Huntington bank.
● Q and A
OutReach (5 Minutes)
● General Report: Ian W
○ SLAA Speakers for Suncloud
○ Outreach to far suburban meetings
○ Ongoing issues with meeting’s zoom links?
■ The link for this monthly Intergroup meeting is incorrect. Chris, can you send it to Abby and Zane to update on the website?
○ Q and A
Inreach General Report (10 Minutes)
● General Report: Caitlyn K
○ Newsletter Report (Dave S, Ryan W)
○ Production Editor: Dave S
■ Contributions Editor/s: Search for new contributing editors (Chris and Caitlyn to look for more help)
■ September theme: “Bottom Lines” due September 15
○ Update on Group Reps including suburban/oak park groups
■ Caitlyn to work with Ian on doing outreach to Oak Park, Milwaukee, and Madison groups, Jim has contact at Oak Park
○ Retreat 2023 Chris, Christie
■ 38 people attending, 7 scholarships. Current estimates come to breaking even.
■ Record donations allowed for so many scholarships 2x last year!!
■ Dinner options for Thursday Dinner. Pizza, salad with protein.
○ Spring Retreat 2024 - Exploratory Committee
■ Trusted servants are needed to run
■ Caitlyn to call desiderata (sp) to inquire about April/May 2024 dates ■ Poll the fellowship/retreat about dates and interest
○ 38Milwaukee SLAA Meeting Website - Discussion
○ Fall Gathering Update: Abby, Jeremy
■ Update FG Guide - Anthony
■ Q and A
■ Start announcing at meetings!!
■ With Rob Weiss not coming in person, discussion had about $25 or $30 ticket price, feedback was align we on $25
■ This could be pitched as a fundraiser for Intergroup in the
announcing of the cost, also a great price for all day event, catered lunch.
■ Fellowship to take place at the church where FG is at, reducing overall costs.
■ Working on flyers at the retreat
■ Abby/Jeremy to present budget in the September Intergroup
○ Event Coordinator: Trevor
■ Event Coordinator Position Description - sent and reviewed?
■ Event/s Proposed - Burke in Oak Park? Working on a potluck picnic in Asher woods in September, exact dates are TBD. Would ask people to bring a dish. Budget to be sent out.
■ Upcoming Events (In the works) idea to ask oak park to come up with an event
■ Q and A
○ Sponsorship workshop (tabled)
Annual Business Meeting Delegates (25 min)
● ABM Delegates: Anthony and Caitlyn, 2023 ABM Delegates
○ Additional Delegate Search and Confirmation.
○ Report on the ABM - final report to be sent out, update on our IFDs: 1 was discussed, overall feedback was in opposition, did not get to the second IFD but a similar item was discussed and overwhelmingly in alignment the edits were not light
○ Chicago Hosting ABM - we would be looking to host in 25/26 would need 6-8 people to do so to help with hospitality suite, events, etc.
■ Would be looking at $2500-$3000 to host
■ Proposed hotel: Orrington
■ Would need a place to have the meetings, ideally a
non-profit/hospital/university to help keep costs lower.
■ Would need more help if we also hosted the IRC after.
■ Could host fundraisers throughout the year to raise funds
○ New Business (10 min.) As Possible
● Intergroup Representatives Feedback
● Submissions to newsletter - September Theme: “Bottom Lines”
○ Deadline for Submissions: September 15th
● Subscribe to the newsletter on the slaachicago website
● Encourage donations to IG via Venmo (@Augustine-Fellowship)
● Please submit Meeting Updates via the Meeting Update Function on the Website (reopening, etc.)
● Retreat Dates August 24 - 27, 2023
● Fall Gathering October 28, 2023
● Proposed Next Meeting: September 16, 2023.
Saturday, August 19, 2023
8:00am – 9:15 am
Hybrid both In-Person (preferred) and OnLine (Zoom ID Above)
3326 N Ashland Ave.
Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup
Treasury Report
07/15/23 - 08/18/23
Starting Balance 07/15/23 $13,340.89
Total Intergroup Group/Individual Donations $244.00
Total Expenses $341.82
Acct. Current Balance 07/14/23 Act. $10,602.07
The full treasury report is available through your Group Intergroup Representative or by request to:
SLAA Online Text-Only Chat
Those who need an additional resource in their SLAA recovery are invited to SLAA Online text-only chat recovery fellowship. Find more information by visiting the SLAA website,, or by emailing
Contribute to the Fellowship-Wide Newsletter: Journal
The Journal is SLAA’s fellowship-wide newsletter, which goes out to fellows across the world.
Upcoming themes are TO BE ANNOUNCED
Submit responses or other contributions to
To subscribe to the Journal or read the current issue, please click here.
Thank you for reading!
Coming in October
Relapse: How has relapse strengthened my recovery or helped me change the way I work my program? Deadline is October 15.
We invite you to share your experience, strength, and hope.
To submit, please send an email to
with the subject line "Newsletter Submission"