January 2022: Welcome to the Newcomers
Save the Date: SLAA Game Night!
Saturday February 12, 2022
4511 N Hermitage
Suggested Donation $7.00
The Three Second Rule
Anthony P.
Belonging in SLAA
I knew I belonged in SLAA when I realized the broad reach of what sex and love addiction means. This disease can include so many symptoms, and for a long time I didn't know if I was a sex addict, love addict, or anything else.
A couple months into going to SLAA meetings, I remember realizing my sex addiction, to compulsive masturbation, in the middle of an SLAA meeting. That realization hit me like a lightning bolt: "Of course I've been acting out for years!" I had just been compartmentalizing my addiction from everything and everyone in my life, including myself.
And I struggled for years after that realization, trying to be more precise about my sexual bottom line, until I got to a place where I was able to limit my masturbation in a healthy and productive way.
Sex addiction can mean any number of symptoms; I don't have to list all of them here. When I learned about love addiction, I realized how much I belonged in SLAA, as opposed to other related fellowships: for me, love addiction means constantly seeking validation and making other people my Higher Power.
Especially going to more solution-oriented meetings that focused on service and recovery helped orient me to feel more belonging in SLAA. And it is out of this sense of belonging that I try to be of service and regularly welcome newcomers and let them know that they are not alone.
Serving on Intergroup, I'm learning more about how SLAA works and what can get different SLAA meetings and groups to cooperate in service of the fellowship. Service, too, helps make me belong more in SLAA.
Today I can say without a doubt that I belong in SLAA. I am a sex and love addict. I qualify myself for this Program. I belong.
Thank you from Intergroup
The Chicago-Milwaukee Intergroup would like to express gratitude to the following groups for their contributions, as reported at the January meeting:
Ravenswood Fellowship Group: $360.00
Loop Co-Op Meetings: $50.00
Individual Contributions (11/19/21 - 12/17/21): $23.00
These contributions help with Intergroup operations so we can continue to carry the message. Thank you!
Intergroup Bylaws Revision
The Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup's (GCMSI) bylaws are guiding principles that inform service at the Intergroup level. These bylaws have been revised incorporating feedback from local SLAA groups and are now ready to be voted upon for approval and use. All votes must be submitted by March 1, 2021. Contact mailroom@slaachicago.org for details on how to get your group involved.
Intergroup Positions Available
In March, the Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup will hold elections for Intergroup officer positions. If you would like to participate, we encourage you to join us on February 19th at 8 a.m. This month's meeting will be hybrid, we are meeting at NTAC (909 W Belmont) as well as on Zoom, please contact 312-725-9918 for details.
Opportunities for Newsletter Submission
As members of SLAA, you have the opportunity to contribute to our local Intergroup newsletters, as well as the fellowship-wide newsletter. Read on for more information.
Contribute to GREAT FACT
GREAT FACT—what you are reading at this very minute—is the newsletter for the Greater Chicago–Milwaukee Intergroup.
We're prepping for publication for the next few months and looking for the following submissions for future issues as it pertains to your experience, strength and hope:
Upcoming deadlines:
February (February 16th): "Service and Sobriety"
March (March 16th): "Step 3: Made a decision to turn our will and life over to the care of God as we understood Him"
To submit, please send an email to mailroom@slaachicago.org with the subject line "Newsletter Submission." Please feel free to send us something outside of the themes above, and we’ll slot it in when appropriate. Thanks!
Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup
Meeting Minutes- Saturday, December 18, 2021
Hannah K, RFG, Outreach Vice Chair
Kristin S, Website Facilitation, RFG
Trevor V, RFG, Fall Gathering Co-Chair
Jim J, Intergroup Rep Beverly Serenity Sunday
Vince R, RFG, Fiduciary Vice-Chair, ABM Delegate
Papa A, RFG, Fiduciary Chair
Caitlyn K, RFG, Retreat Co-Chair, Newsletter Editor
Dave S, RFG, Intergroup Rep
Chris S, RFG, Inreach Chair
Anthony P, Keep Coming Back Group, Facilitation Chair
Sean M, Outreach Chair, RFG
Christie, Website Facilitator, RFG
Josh F, Newsletter Contributions Editor, RFG
● Prayer for a Trusted Servant
● Traditions
● Introductions (name, group affiliation and position)
● Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA IG Statement of Purpose
● Review Agenda
● 12 Concepts of Service
● Concept 3 - Papa (Concept 4 January - )
Facilitation (5 Minutes.)
● General Report: Anthony
○ Approve Minutes (November) -Minutes Approved
○ Website Facilitation: Kristin, Christie (vice) Review any Suggestions
-Meetings to discuss feedback and incorporating to the how-to document is ongoing. Zane will be brought on to help out with the production of the how-to guide
-Bylaws Update Responses (Vince and Officers) - Vote Collection- votes are due March 1st. IG reps, please meet with your groups to discuss and vote on the IG bylaws..
Fiduciary (5 Minutes)
● General Treasurer Report: Papa Chair/Treasurer, Vince Vice Chair
○ Report Financials: General -Group donations this month were outstanding this month, appreciate putting the word out on giving. Discussion was had about using an SLAA logo and updating the name (but NOT the handle), to make it less confusing.
○ Approve Treasury Report - vote was unanimous approval.
○ Initial Cash Flow Projection for both Retreat and 2 delegates - Based On DeKoven Requirements
OutReach (5 Minutes)
● General Report: Sean Chairperson, Hannah Vice Chair
○ Direct Outreach - St. James, Hazelden (tabled) Progress? New meeting - ideal location would be Hazelden Chicago. Due to COVID, all in-person operations are halted there. St. James Cathedral - they have a room available for us after Jan. 1st. Christie and Chris are available, with Anthony able to fill in. Discussion was had with Open Q and A
Inreach General Report (15 Minutes)
● General Report: Chris
○ Newsletter Report (Caitlyn and Chris)
■ Production Editor: Caitlyn,
■ Contributions Editor/s: Josh, Ian Sobriety through the holidays is december theme, January theme is focus on the newcomer. Working on more guidelines on feedback for publishing the newsletter (for the general IG). also working on a how-to for the newsletter.
■ Literature Review Subcommittee (Anthony) -several members have reached back on the basic text review. Read one chapter for week, with one hour per week to come to a group conscience.
■ 12/12/12 Proposal Tabled in favor of Basic Text at this time.
○ Sponsorship workshop (tabled)
■ Pending Email - next steps, Chris
○ Retreat 2022 Caitlyn, AnthonyWithin the last month, the existing person at DeKoven Center has left the center, and a new person. Contract negotiations as such needed to be re-discussed and the process seems to be slow. Alternative options should be considered if no resolution is found by February 1st.
Fall gathering - co-chairs discussed. Members will reach out and gauge interest.
Intergroup Representatives Feedback
○ No feedback provided
New Business (10 min.) As Possible
● Review and Vote on Bylaws - March 1
● Submissions to newsletter - January 12
● Looking for Outreach Speakers (direct ask - prescreen)
● Encourage donations to IG via Venmo (@Augustine-Fellowship)
● Thank yous to Groups, etc. for Retreat Contributions
● Please submit Meeting Updates via the Meeting Update Function on the Website (reopening, etc.)
Proposed Next Meeting:
Saturday, January 15, 2021
8:00am – 9:15am
OnLine (Zoom)
In Person: Open
Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup
Treasury Report
Starting Balance December 17, 2021 $9,727.18
Total Intergroup Group/Individual Donations $440.00
Total Expenses $16.34
Acct. Current Balance (01/16/22) Act. $10,150.84
*The full treasury report is available through your Group Intergroup Representative or by request to: mailroom@slaachicago.org.
SLAA Online Text-Only Chat
Those who need an additional resource in their SLAA recovery are invited to SLAA Online text-only chat recovery fellowship. Find more information by visiting the SLAA website, slaaonline.org, or by emailing slaaonline@yahoo.com.
Contribute to West Chicago Intergroup Newsletter
Our friends in the West Chicago Intergroup invite members to contribute to their newsletter to share their experience, strength, and hope. According to Mark K., "Writing an article for our newsletter is one way you can serve yourself and others." For more information, email pcomind@gmail.com or visit the West Chicago Intergroup website.
Contribute to the Fellowship-Wide Newsletter: Journal
The Journal is SLAA’s fellowship-wide newsletter, which goes out to fellows around the world.
The Journal seeks submissions for the “Question of the Day” for upcoming issues (deadline):
May/June: Sponsor’s Words (Due March 15, 2022_ What's the best thing your sponsor has ever told you?
July/August* ABM Issue: Anorexia Withdrawal (Due May 15, 2022) What is anorexia withdrawal in your experience? What tools helped you deal with the pain of withdrawal from anorexia with out retreating back into anorexia?
August/September: Defects Higher Power Lets Me Keep (Due July 15, 2022) Have you ever prayed for a character defect to be removed for a long time and found that it stuck around for you to learn a lesson or because it helped you or others in some way? Please share your experience, strength, and hope.
Submit responses or other contributions to www.slaafws.org/journalsubmit.
To subscribe to the Journal or read the current issue, please click here.
Thank you for reading!
Coming in February: "Service and Sobriety"
We invite you to share your experience, strength, and hope.
To submit, please send an email to mailroom@slaachicago.org with the subject line "Newsletter Submission"