October 2021: The Tool of Inventory
The Inventory Process
Bruce P.
The 4th Step is the basis of the entire 12 Step Program and therefore deserves our close attention. After we have admitted we were powerless over Sex and Love Addiction and come to believe that a Power Greater than Ourselves could restore us to sanity through this program, we make a decision. That decision is to turn our lives and our will over to the care of the God we understand.
How do we do that? By working the rest of the Steps! The 3rd Step is really a decision to work all the rest of the Steps. The Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous, is perhaps clearest on what to do after making the decision:
Next we launched out on a course of vigorous action, the first step of which is a personal housecleaning, which many of us had never attempted. Though our decision was a vital and crucial step, it could have little permanent effect unless at once followed by a strenuous effort to face, and be rid of, the things in ourselves which had been blocking us. Our [acting out] was but a symptom. So we had to get down to causes and conditions.
The 4th Step is the heart of the program: it pumps its blood into every other Step. We couldn’t do the 5th Step, which is sharing our inventory with another, telling our whole life story, holding nothing back and exposing every nook and cranny. To do that, we need a searching and fearless moral (meaning honest) inventory in writing. The 6th Step requires a list of our more glaring character defects (or shortcomings or wrongs or whatever you want to call them). We get this from our inventory. In the 7th Step, we ask God as we understand that Power, to remove those character aspects that are blocking us off from the sunlight of the spirit and, usually, from our fellow human beings. The 8th Step uses the list from our 4th Step and then we add anyone to it that we have harmed and whom we haven’t listed on our inventory. We make amends to those people in the 9th Step. With the 9th Step, we enter into the world of the spirit; we have begun to experience the spiritual awakening promised in the 12th Step.
The 10th Step suggests we continue to take inventory. In the literature, there is no distinction made between the 10th Step inventory and the 4th Step inventory, but many of us today use the 10th Step as a daily review of our day and of our character flaws that we are trying to have God remove. This is clearly based on what we discovered from the 4th, 5th and 6th Steps. In the 11th Step, having established conscious contact with our Higher Power by working the previous Steps, we seek to improve that contact through prayer and meditation.
So the 4th Step is central and crucial. Furthermore, our literature tells us that “this is but the beginning of a lifetime practice.” In short, we don’t do just one, but continue to take 4th Steps throughout our lives. The conditions we live in change, the people around us change, we change. People step on our toes (as the literature says), jobs come and go, we might have children, we age, things like the pandemic – unexpected as it was – come along and we have to adjust. As these things change, we need to do inventories of our resentments, fears and sex conduct at a minimum. We need to look at our life as it changes.
How do we do the inventory? I use the AA format outlined in the book Alcoholics Anonymous. That includes a close examination of my resentments (anger at people, institutions, principles, and myself ), my fears and my sex conduct. I add a review of the 7 deadly sins and my worst secrets. However, there are many other inventory formats that work as well. There is an inventory I did for my first 4th Step that had 121 questions, divided into childhood, adolescence, adulthood and a general review in case I missed anything in the first three sections. The questions were deep, examining family, friends, teachers and others from my whole life. There are workbooks. Other 12 Step programs have good ideas for inventories.
The first key in doing the inventory is to write it. I did lots of inventories before I came in the program. They were all in my head and all used to beat myself up. It was only when I came into program and wrote my inventory out that I got an objective look at myself, who I was, what I had been doing, and how I felt about it. In the rest of the steps, I learned how to deal with the shortcomings that the inventory had exposed.
The second key is to make sure that no matter what format you use, you include your role in the behaviors you are examining. The inventory is about ourselves, no one else. Our reactions to the actions of others are what are important. In the inventories I do, each part of the inventory asks what my role was: what I did.
The inventory requires prayer. I find it necessary to pray for the strength to be honest and fearless in doing the inventory. In reaching out to my Higher Power, I find the strength to do what needs to be done on this step. During the inventory, I pray for others I may have harmed. While doing the 4th Step may require instruction from our sponsor, doing the Step is an action of the individual. I have to do it. One of the secrets I have found from doing many 4th Steps is that I need to be on the 4th Step only; I cannot let any other Step (5th Step, 8th Step, 9th Step or whatever) interfere with the honesty and thoroughness this Step requires of me. Prayer helps in that regard.
I have also found it crucial that I list my “Take to the Graves.” These are the secrets that I swore I would never tell anyone or – just as important – secrets I found I just wasn’t telling anyone. We are only as sick as our secrets. Getting them down on paper is centrally important.
Remember that the purpose of the inventory process is to find and be rid of those things that are blocking us from our Higher Power and the people around us. As such, it includes all the rest of the steps. The 4th Step is just the beginning. It is the identification of the difficulties we face.
A word on the 10th Step. The 10th Step says we continue to do inventories and promptly admit our wrongs. I do this on a daily basis. I have my list of my shortcomings from the 6th Step. I say a 6th Step prayer every morning that asks God to give me the willingness to have all of my character defects entirely removed, including …. And then I list my character defects and their opposites. This reminds me every morning what I am striving for. I then say the 7th Step prayer asking God to remove the offending behaviors. I do my 10th Step at night, reviewing everything I’ve done that day and using that 6th Step list one by one to see how I’ve done for that day. It is a rare day when I haven’t engaged in some shortcoming, but it is also a rare day when I haven’t been pretty good in many of them.
To conclude, there is a story one of my early teachers told me. A person saw the magnificent statue of David by Michelangelo. They asked the Master, “How did you do that?” Michelangelo responded that he took a block of stone and chopped away everything that wasn’t David and that’s what he wound up with. And that’s what we do with our program. With God as the sculptor and with the Steps, our meetings, our sponsors, the literature, our slogans and our fellow members as the chisel, we are chipping away everything that isn’t us. And this is what we have so far. May your Higher Power bless you!
Working on your 4th Step? Want to work with others? The author conducts a 4th Step Workshop on Zoom every Monday at 10 am Central time. It is an AA meeting, but is open to anyone working on their 4th Step. Members of this fellowship attend the meeting. We actually provide forms and write the inventory during the meeting. To get full information on the meeting, please email SerenitySLAABeverlyChicago@gmail.com and ask about the 4th Step Workshop.
Thank you from Intergroup
The Chicago-Milwaukee Intergroup would like to express gratitude to the following groups for their contributions, as reported at the October meeting:​​​​​
Individual Contributions (8/17/21 - 9/16/21): $48.00
These contributions help with Intergroup operations so we can continue to carry the message. Thank you!
Intergroup Bylaws Revision
The Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup's (GCMSI) bylaws are guiding principles that inform service at the Intergroup level. These bylaws are in the process of being revised, and group feedback is very important to the revision process. Contact mailroom@slaachicago.org for details on how to get your group involved.
Intergroup Positions Available
In March, the Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup held elections for Intergroup officer positions. If you would like to participate, we encourage you to join us on November 20th at 8 a.m. This month's meeting will be hybrid, we are meeting at NTAC (909 W Belmont) as well as on Zoom, please contact 312-725-9918 for details.
Opportunities for Newsletter Submission
As members of SLAA, you have the opportunity to contribute to our local Intergroup newsletters, as well as the fellowship-wide newsletter. Read on for more information.
Contribute to GREAT FACT
GREAT FACT—what you are reading at this very minute—is the newsletter for the Greater Chicago–Milwaukee Intergroup.
We're prepping for publication for the next few months and looking for the following submissions for future issues as it pertains to your experience, strength and hope:
Upcoming deadlines:​​​ ​​​​​​​​​
November (November 17th): “Gratitude”
To submit, please send an email to mailroom@slaachicago.org with the subject line "Newsletter Submission." Please feel free to send us something outside of the themes above, and we’ll slot it in when appropriate. Thanks!
Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup
Meeting Minutes- Saturday, September 18, 2021
Anthony P, Keep Coming Back Group, Intergroup Chair and ABM Delegate
Chris S, RFG, Inreach Chair
Zane, RFG, Member
Trevor V, RFG, FG Co-Chair
Papa A, RFG, Fiduciary Chair
Caitlyn K, RFG, Retreat Co-Chair, Fall Gathering Co-Chair, Newsletter
Dave S, RFG, Intergroup Rep
Vince R, RFG, Fiduciary Vice-Chair, Retreat Co-Chair, ABM Delegate
Jim, Serenity in the Suburbs, Intergroup Rep
Sean M, Outreach Chair
Kristin S, Milwaukee Sat. Morning, Intergroup Rep
Hannah K, RFG, Member
Prayer for a Trusted Servant
Traditions - Dave
Introductions (name, group affiliation and position)
Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA IG Statement of Purpose
Review Agenda
12 Concepts of Service
Concept 12 – Anthony
Concept 1 October (no volunteer yet – Chris will volunteer via email)
Facilitation (5 Minutes.)
General Report: Anthony
Approve Minutes (August) – done via email
Website Facilitation: Kristin, Christie (vice)
Web Facilitation
How To Guide and Report - Completed? Send for review?
how to guide is finished. Will be distributed with login information removed for review.
Fiduciary (5 Minutes)
General Treasurer Report: Papa Chair/Treasurer, Vince Vice Chair
Final Report Retreat Financials were presented to the group, a profit was incurred, which will be put to next year’s retreat.
There will be a rolling deposit created for the Summer Retreat. Its purpose is to make sure there is enough money to secure reservations each year in advance.
Projection for Fall Gathering Donation Objective was presented.
Approve Treasury Report
Initial Cash Flow Projection for both Retreat and 2 delegates
OutReach (5 Minutes)
General Report: Sean Chairperson, Hannah Vice Chair
Direct Outreach – Hazelden
High level discussions have been had. We are meeting Sept 28th to discuss further lessons learned. no official start for this meeting just yet. More work is needed.
Password responsibilities for zoom meetings have transferred over to 3 more meetings.
Inreach General Report (15 Minutes)
General Report: Chris
Newsletter Report (Caitlyn and Chris)
4 articles were submitted this month, a marked improvement!
October’s them is the tool of inventory
November’s theme is Gratitude.
Retreat Leaders Report: Vince, Caitlyn
The 3 Day retreat was well liked, and the leads were also well liked.
There were comments that one particular meeting seemed to take up the majority of the speakers and trusted servants – hoping to improve on this for next year.
Comments that the cell phone policy could be stricter.
Plans are underway to return to the DeKoven Center. Since the Center is frequently booked a year in advance, the goal is September 8-11 2022. For 2023, the last weekend is August is the plan.
For next year, officers to fill the roles will be chosen sooner, so that more time to plan is allowed.
A Guide will be worked on, which will outline responsibilities and how to delegate these to trusted servants, so that retreat leaders can do less logistics and more high level planning.
Literature Review Subcommittee (Anthony)
New Proposed S.L.A.A. 12/12/12 – we are looking for dedicated, sober individuals (greater than 6 months required) to review the 12/12/12 being produced by the Literature Committee. If you are interested please reach out to Anthony. Meetings for this literature review will be once a week, short, and focused.
Sponsorship workshop (tabled)
Pending Email - next steps
Discussion about Fall Gathering - Caitlyn & Trevor (as available)
Speaker and Workshop format
Food – Papa and Anthony
Tickets Sold to date
Next Steps/Service Needed
Group Representation - Table and Contact by Group
Chris the inreach chair presented findings from previous SC meeting notes that there are 7 out of 22 meetings that send IG reps regularly. Many have not sent an IG rep in the last year at all. Inreach will work on how to reach these folks and get participation from them.
ABM Delegate: Anthony and Vince (2 minutes)
Report (Tabled)
FWS Report/Service
Intergroup Representative Feedback
As Needed
New Business (10 min.) As Possible
In Person/Hybrid Review
Review and Vote on Bylaws
Submissions to newsletter - Healthy boundaries is the theme. September 15 is due date for the September newsletter.
Retreat!! # Day Labor Day Weekend! 9/3 - 9/6
Looking for Outreach Speakers (direct ask - prescreen)
Encourage donations to IG via Venmo (@Augustine-Fellowship)
Encourage Donations or Sponsoring Scholarships Retreat 2021
Please submit Meeting Updates via the Meeting Update Function on the Website (reopening, etc.)
Proposed Next Meeting:
Saturday, October 17, 2021
8:00am – 9:15am
Online (Zoom)
In Person: Open
Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup
Treasury Report
Starting Balance September 17, 2021 $8,190.57
Total Intergroup Group/Individual Donations $48.00
Fall Gathering Contributions $800.00
Total Expenses $51.34
Acct. Current Balance (10/16/21) Act. $8,987.23
*The full treasury report is available through your Group Intergroup Representative or by request to: mailroom@slaachicago.org.
SLAA Online Text-Only Chat
Those who need an additional resource in their SLAA recovery are invited to SLAA Online text-only chat recovery fellowship. Find more information by visiting the SLAA website, slaaonline.org, or by emailing slaaonline@yahoo.com.
Contribute to West Chicago Intergroup Newsletter
Our friends in the West Chicago Intergroup invite members to contribute to their newsletter to share their experience, strength, and hope. According to Mark K., "Writing an article for our newsletter is one way you can serve yourself and others." For more information, email pcomind@gmail.com or visit the West Chicago Intergroup website.
Contribute to the Fellowship-Wide Newsletter: Journal
​The Journal is SLAA’s fellowship-wide newsletter, which goes out to fellows around the world.
The Journal seeks submissions for the “Question of the Day” for upcoming issues (deadline): ​​​​​
January/February: Truth Being Revealed in Higher Power’s Time (Due November 15, 2021) Have you found that Higher Power has shown you the truth about something important gradually rather than immediately upon your demands? Please share your experience, strength, and hope with truth being revealed in Higher Power’s time.
March/April: Long Term Recovery (Due January 15, 2022) How do you keep your program fresh and growing?
May/June: Sponsor’s Words (Due March 15, 2021) What's the best thing your sponsor has ever told you?
July/August* ABM Issue: Anorexia Withdrawal (Due May 15, 2021) What is anorexia withdrawal in your experience? What tools helped you deal with the pain of withdrawal from anorexia with out retreating back into anorexia?
August/September: Defects Higher Power Lets Me Keep (Due July 15, 2021) Have you ever prayed for a character defect to be removed for a long time and found that it stuck around for you to learn a lesson or because it helped you or others in some way? Please share your experience, strength, and hope.
Submit responses or other contributions to www.slaafws.org/journalsubmit.
To subscribe to the Journal or read the current issue, please click here.
Thank you for reading!
Coming in November: "Gratitude"
We invite you to share your experience, strength, and hope.
To submit, please send an email to mailroom@slaachicago.org with the subject line "Newsletter Submission"