April 2021: Spiritual Awakening
Spiritual Awakening and My Experience With the 12 Steps
Oh, how I love the notion of filling you in on, indeed, reviewing the spiritual experiences I’ve encountered through working our program’s steps (or as it’s said, having the steps work me). I remember, and enjoy remembering, my old sponsor guiding me through the 12 steps (and my current sponsor continuing to guide me as I continually work to apply them).
My first step work brought an encounter with powerlessness and unmanageability: I was led to feel the difference between being powerless in the face of addictive urges and that little bit of space where I could choose how to respond to those urgings. By noticing (ah, my old sponsor would intone; “Good, noticing!”) that there was room between my addictive impulse and my taking up some choice in what to DO with that reactivity, I was awakened to how recovery of myself could feel.
In the second step I was introduced to the notion that my will was one thing, and that God’s will was another. And my step-work got me to feel the more fulfilling sense of a higher power's will when compared to my own will: a real eye-opener!
My third step work took much more time: writing out a complete history of my sexual and love experiences. What awakened in me was the sense that I was a person, with a very rich history, that could in fact be shared. Oh, the opening up, the revealing and acceptance that I found was monumental!
My fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh step work sharpened a new, spiritual appreciation for my patterns of intimacy avoidance. Not only had I been steeped in fear, anger, loneliness and shame, but I was awakened to the ways in which I had used these to avoid getting close to people, showing up in opportune situations or strengthening my relationship with my higher power.
In my eighth and ninth step work I came to feel the spiritual heart of my relationships with those who’d been closest to me in my life: I stood spiritually open to loved-ones I’d harmed and asked for forgiveness. Almost completely, I was greeted with open and loving arms. If that’s not spiritual awakening, nothing is.
Steps ten, eleven and twelve are really ongoing works I do everyday: I pray, meditate, work with other sex and love addicts on recovery, and bring my spiritual experiences to as many areas of my life as I can. When I experience my sponsor’s loving, inevitably broadening sense of me… my sponsee’s mirror-like presence, and I can express to them a compassion I cannot automatically feel towards myself... my wife’s intensity, and I relax and calm myself to swim in the intimacy of conflict or passion… writing for our Newsletter, recalling how I’ve been inspired by our program’s literature… here is where I get to live out spiritual awakening. And I’m forever grateful for it.
I could go on and on, in greater detail and depth, but I hope to talk with you in person about all these things. So, ask, and we’ll have a chat. And I’ll learn about your spiritual awakenings, too!
Phoenix - 2017
Eric D.
Thank you from Intergroup
The Chicago-Milwaukee Intergroup would like to express gratitude to the following groups for their contributions, as reported at the April meeting:
Friday and Sunday Beverly Serenity SLAA Group (02/22/21): $90.00
Individual Contributions (02/18-03/18): $54.00
These contributions help with Intergroup operations so we can continue to carry the message. Thank you!
Intergroup Bylaws Revision
The Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup's (GCMSI) bylaws are guiding principles that inform service at the Intergroup level. These bylaws are in the process of being revised, and group feedback is very important to the revision process. Contact mailroom@slaachicago.org for details on how to get your group involved.
Intergroup Positions Available
In March, the Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup held elections for Intergroup officer positions. If you would like to participate, we encourage you to join us on May 15th at 8 a.m. We are meeting remotely, please contact 312-725-9918 for details.
Opportunities for Newsletter Submission
As members of SLAA, you have the opportunity to contribute to our local Intergroup newsletters, as well as the fellowship-wide newsletter. Read on for more information.
Contribute to GREAT FACT
GREAT FACT—what you are reading at this very minute—is the newsletter for the Greater Chicago–Milwaukee Intergroup.
We're prepping for publication for the next few months and looking for the following submissions for future issues as it pertains to your experience, strength and hope:
Upcoming deadlines:
May (May 12th): “Fantasy”: Fantasy vs. Reality
June (June 16th): “Fun and Fellowship”
To submit, please send an email to mailroom@slaachicago.org with the subject line "Newsletter Submission." Please feel free to send us something outside of the themes above, and we’ll slot it in when appropriate. Thanks!
Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup
Meeting Minutes- Saturday, March 20, 2021
Chris S, RFG, Vice Inreach Chair
Vince R, RFG, Facilitation Chair
Anthony P, Tues KCB, RFG Treasurer, ABM Delegate
Dave Sch, Beverly Serenity, Intergroup Rep
Verne, Rise and Shine, Inreach Chair
Caitlyn K, RFG, Newsletter Editor, FG Co Chair
Chase M, RFG, Vice Fiduciary Chair
Christie K, RFG, Website Facilitation Chair
Hannah K, RFG, Outreach Vice-Chair
Ian W, RFG/ Tues KCBG, Newsletter Co-Editor
Kristin S, Milwaukee Sat. Morning, Vice Website Facilitator
Sean M, Hedwig, Outreach Chair, Intergroup Rep
Papa, RFG, Visitor
● Prayer for a Trusted Servant
● Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA IG Statement of Purpose
● Review Agenda
● 12 Concepts of Service -- Concept 7, Chris (deferred until April)
Facilitation (40 min.)
● Update on review of by-laws and service role descriptions
○ Review edits - proposed changes will be placed on the website, and made known to the groups through email-blast, newsletter blurb, and intergroup rep announcements.
● IG election nominees
○ Facilitation: Anthony, Chris S (vice)
■ Vote: Anthony selected for facilitation chair, Chris s for vice chair.
○ Fiduciary: Papa, Chase, Vince (vice)
■ Vote: Papa selected for fiduciary chair, Vince for vice chair
○ Inreach: Chris, Caitlyn (vice), Verne (vice)
■ Vote: Chris selected for inreach chair, Verne for vice chair.
○ Outreach: Sean, Hannah K (vice)
■ Vote: Sean and Hannah (vice)
○ ABM Delegate: Anthony
■ Vote: Anthony selected as ABM Delegate.
○ Newsletter
■ Production Editor: Caitlyn, Hannah C, Fran
■ Contributions Editor: Fran, Ian, Shannon
○ Summer Retreat co-chairs: Vince, Caitlyn
■ Vince and Caitlyn
Vince, Christie and Kristin will meet to decide website facilitation roles.
Financial report, website updates and minutes will be discussed by email vote.
New Business (5 min.)
Ian W - Can one person serve as intergroup rep for two separate meetings? Yes.
● Submissions to newsletter
● Encourage donations to IG via Venmo (@Augustine-Fellowship)
● Review of Intergroup By-Laws is occurring, please speak to intergroup reps for more information and how to give feedback
Proposed Next Meeting:
Saturday, April 17, 2021
8:00am – 9:15am
St. Hedwig’s Pastoral Center – 2114 W. Webster Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
Visit us at www.slaachicago.org
Greater Chicago/Milwaukee SLAA Intergroup
Treasury Report
03/17/21- 04/17/21
Starting Balance March 17, 2021 $7,465.96
Total Intergroup Group/Individual Donations $144.00
Total Expenses $1,016.34
Acct. Current Balance (04/17/21) Act. $6,593.62
*The full treasury report is available through your Group Intergroup Representative or by request to: mailroom@slaachicago.org.
SLAA Online Text-Only Chat
Those who need an additional resource in their SLAA recovery are invited to SLAA Online text-only chat recovery fellowship. Find more information by visiting the SLAA website, slaaonline.org, or by emailing slaaonline@yahoo.com.
Contribute to West Chicago Intergroup Newsletter
Our friends in the West Chicago Intergroup invite members to contribute to their newsletter to share their experience, strength, and hope. According to Mark K., "Writing an article for our newsletter is one way you can serve yourself and others." For more information, email pcomind@gmail.com or visit the West Chicago Intergroup website.
Contribute to the Fellowship-Wide Newsletter: Journal
The Journal is SLAA’s fellowship-wide newsletter, which goes out to fellows around the world.
The Journal seeks submissions for the “Question of the Day” for upcoming issues (deadline):
July/August ABM Issue: "Breakdown to Breakthrough” Do you feel Higher Power demolished your life to build it back up with a stronger foundation? Please share your ex- perience strength, and hope. (May 15, 2021)
September/October Issue: “People as Drugs” “Through sex, charm, emotional appeal, or persuasive in- tellect, we had used other people as ‘drugs,’ to avoid our own personal inadequacy.” S.L.A.A. Basic Text page 74. Please share your story of using people as drugs and your experience strength and hope in overcoming the desire to use people as drugs. (July 15, 2021)
Submit responses or other contributions to www.slaafws.org/journalsubmit.
To subscribe to the Journal or read the current issue, please click here.
Thank you for reading!
Coming in May: "Fantasy"
We invite you to share your experience, strength, and hope.
To submit, please send an email to mailroom@slaachicago.org with the subject line "Newsletter Submission"